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The infamous Blue Screen Of Death problem
So I was just browsing the web when the blue screen pops up, after that I kept getting the same error more often, the error is IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, I know some stuff about it but not enough to fix it, here's what I know about it, the IRQL's max value can't have anything higher than it (< from what I remember), so I believe one of my drivers are corrupt though I'm not sure if it is or not. Help please.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
Hardware issue.

Open the event viewer & look for what caused the crash.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Hardware issue.

Open the event viewer & look for what caused the crash.

Going to guess it is his graphics card overheating and cannibalising.

Are you noticing any hot pixels on screen? (i.e. wrong colours).

Does it take a memory dump? Check that out.

Take the opportunity to open your pc and dust it with a large brush and compressed air in a can.
It's most likely your GPU overheating, I had that a few weeks ago.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Hmm, when I go into event viewer there's a million things and I don't know what one is my problem O_o

and in a corner of my screen (I've had this for a while) I see a color change, like if my screen shows red it'll turn into a red orange.

Also I think it might be the GPU, though when I start up my computer the longest it now can go is 20-30 minutes. Oh and also I've had my computer for 7 years and never opened it up.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
Originally Posted by CRASH3R View Post
Hmm, when I go into event viewer there's a million things and I don't know what one is my problem O_o

and in a corner of my screen (I've had this for a while) I see a color change, like if my screen shows red it'll turn into a red orange.

Also I think it might be the GPU, though when I start up my computer the longest it now can go is 20-30 minutes. Oh and also I've had my computer for 7 years and never opened it up.

No, magnet effects stop/dissipate once you take them away, basically (also when you turn the screen on and off for CRTs and probably LCD too). Dont go waving them infront of the screen, though.

It's probably your graphics card driver crashing because it is overheating, especially if you are getting redshifting on screen (random red or green dots on your desktop).

Open your PC, dust it. See what happens.

Also post error code, use google, etc.
Last edited by m0o; Apr 5, 2010 at 12:40 AM.
Ahh magnets, when I was little I put a magnet to my screen, may be that messed it up?
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
I'm not sure if that's possible. It should've taken effect years ago if it was a magnet.
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?