Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Mod Ideas!!
Everybody in DAT, please give me mod ideas.
Posted it in here because the Mod forum is getting cluttered up with these kind of threads.

Please use this form:
Mod Description: Description of the mod, duh... -.-
Mod Category: [Single-Player/Multiplayer/Environment/ModdedPlayer] Please put a - if the mod fits two categories.
Mod Objective: A goal in the mod (if there are any)

Mods Working On

I will very much appreciate it!!
I have an idea...
Make a mod:strongestmanmod
in that mod you lift weights up
it would be fun multi player contest =) and single
just a dumb idea...Make a cliff mod where both players are sprung off in separate directions, kinda like who can fly better/or land better, the deadly impact with the ground you know...
lol! thats a cool idea rage!
i would like to see something like that.
maybe with some obstacles so that they would hit them to get more points and stuff like that...
nice idea rage! AH LAHK ITH! (i like it!) XD
No im thinking that less points would actually win, cause you would only doing damage to yourself...
lol! oh... i thought it was just for fun... to sp, were the one who had most points would win...

anyways, is still a great idea