Original Post
Mini Demo Knee-Me!
Hey and its me! I just found out this sweet mini Knee-Me. Originally by nokturnal, i made a smaller version :P

Demo Settings!!

Raise Shoulders
Contract Right Pecs
Extend Left Pecs
Left Rotating Chest
Left Bending Lumbar
Contract Abs
Space x1
Lower Right Shoulder
Space x1
Grabby Right Hand
Space x1
Contract Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Extend Left Glute
Right Bending Lumbar
Right Rotating Chest
Contract Neck
Extend Abs
Press P
Re: Mini Demo Knee-Me!
well, I managed to break my own leg off if that was supposed to happen cool move if not... I don't really care :P
Re: Mini Demo Knee-Me!
it worked right for me! ripped offf head and arm! nice move gothica!
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around