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[S]Afterburning-flame,right hand,Forged by kekkonen
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Last edited by Kekkonen; May 2, 2010 at 05:22 PM. Reason: flame sold
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?
I can offer way way way more than NBLXBA but, what TheElement said, can I meet you in game to see it? Or can you activate or maybe shoot a video? And do you take items?
Breaking rules is bad
Flame is active now.
Download that replay, type /dl kekkonen, and play the replay, then you see how cool/uncool is it.
If you have som cool items, ill accept. Like this, 40k, and som item which worth 20-30k.
Attached Files
flameshow.rpl (30.3 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by Kekkonen; Apr 28, 2010 at 08:59 AM.
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?
i said full camo for it OR as 45k bid

full camo is the bid of 45k , in case other ppl want to buy

im saying this in case you didnt understood
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.