Original Post
We need to get more active... :/
So here's the deal. I'll try to do something to entertain you all into more activity.
A rap battle.
All you have to do is rap about the person that posted last.
I'll start.

"So high?
So fly?
think you Mr. Nice Guy?
Why cry,
when they die?
when they
see the gray sky?
Tell a lie,
roll a die,
get greedy?
live a life,
for the strife,
of the needy?
get screwed,
get used,
nice 'n speedy?
be a teach,
write a speech.
Is it easy?"
There once was a guy.
He flew from the sky.
He realized the laws,
of physics abroad,
and fell right down from his high.
Then his high was his low,
his stay was his go,
his hot was his cold,
that song is mad old...
That man who came from the sky,
Never flew so very high,
As to make his life worse
than an ancient tomb's curse
He landed on a swine.
That "swine"?
flawed by time?
traded for a dime?
Hadn't been flying?...

It hadn't...
I'm dying...
Of laughter, ...
it's trying.
The swine on which he had landed
was angry at the grounded
man who had fell
onto his tail
And so he was a panda (what?)
Alligators have slippers
Pole dancers have tippers,
but they're just strippers,
so that really differs.