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View Poll Results: Should GoodMonkey Stay?
11 Votes / 64.71%
6 Votes / 35.29%
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Original Post
I would like to let the members of UNCE know that GoodMonkey likes to say inappropriate words in our server. Now, I realize most of you aren't offended by it, but I am. You can ask him, but I will assure you that he will be clueless. If this happens just ask me in game or something.

UNCE Server - January 31st 2008 - 11:18

[UNCE]GoodMonkey: X, when you told me not to set the experience, tell me what to set it too...
[UNCE]VolcanoX: nothing
[UNCE]VolcanoX: don't mess with it
[UNCE]VolcanoX: Not all of our members are black belts
[UNCE]VolcanoX: 2nd Dan
[UNCE]VolcanoX: **
[UNCE]GoodMonkey: 1 of them aint a black
[UNCE]VolcanoX: I corrected myself
[UNCE]GoodMonkey: so it seems we're all niggers...

Please post your thoughts!
I don't really like people saying discriminative words like that, but kicking someone isn't the best way to settle things. Just let him make an apology and put this all behind us.
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.
Originally Posted by AaronSasori View Post
Sorry for posting but one day I was mad and he really pissed me off and got me more mad and called me gay.

I never called you gay and I didn't get you even madder after I did get you mad... How did you think I called you gay? And I even appoligised to you but you didn't accept it because it was "quick", becuase I had to do something!

And X, you didn't explain the experience thing enough for me to understand. And yes, I know it was a bad joke, which once I said it I regreted saying it all, as do I do other times >.<
X, from this topic, I know that you truely do want me to cry as you said when you were making fun of my old head.
I didn't really want to defend myself nor did I even want to post on this topic but I don't want to get kicked from this clan, And the reason this is a bit late is becuase my computer was taken so it could get a new graphics card...
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
I don't think he meant anything by it but if he keeps saying stuff like that even after a warning, he should be kicked. But before that, I think he should have a second chance :/
[A L P H A]
Lighten the fuck up, it was a joke.

GoodMonkey is pretty cool from what I have seen of him, even though I am inactive. What's the point on kicking him for some joke (of which I would have laughed at).

It's hardly as if he used it in a racist way to upset someone.
That seemed like it was supost to be funny... not like a harsh dememing thing, like a joke.

I don't think its annything to be worried about, its just a bad joke.
guys, volcanox is half black, if someone started making fun of asians I would be mad as hell after awhile, luckily there arent that many racist words against asians, i vote that he stays, but if he EVER says a word like that again he can kiss unce goodbye
Since when did I become Asian?
Sorry for posting but one day I was mad and he really pissed me off and got me more mad and called me gay.
[ s p i r i t ]
wonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk♥♥♥wonkwonkwon kwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk

If you don't have proof, I won't believe you. Just because I have noticed your not so reliable, sorry Aaron.


On topic, I propose we devise a soloution. So if an offence like this happens again, we will know how to deal with it.

1 (First Offence) Racist/Offensive Coment = Warning & 1 Rank Demotion
2 (Second Offence) Set Rank To PEON/LOWEST, Demand DETAILED Apoligy (If refuses, Expultion)
3 (Third Offence) = Expultion

I have put mutch thought into this soloution, I hope it will be permanate.
I say we implament it imedatily. (We will excuse GM of this 1 offence because the rule has just started)


Shall I make a poll for it?
To Anybody That Thinks This is a Joke:

For one, I don't appreciate that the fact that racism isn't being taken seriously.

Second of all, If none of you realize that nigger is an insult to black people. Doesn't matter if you were joking or not. The word does have an incentive to hurt people feelings, and without trying the power of the word does. Hearing that word almost everyday, hearing my friends say that word, hearing people that I have known since the 3rd grade say it causes me to dislike anybody who decides to use it. Without even trying to joke using that word it doesn't mean that it won't hurt somebody's feelings.

I will only make peace with GoodMonkey if he apologizes.