Original Post
+Calling me Nigger
Look i dunno if this is the right place but the player Coel called me nigger 3 times in a judo room,i tryed to take a screenshot but their friends where spamming and all the screenshots i took doest contaim the necessary proof, also they where using difamative terms about Brazil, calling ppl who live there monkey and thiefs
I'm sorry for my bad english.....
Last edited by Fee; May 6, 2010 at 01:02 PM.
Unfortunately nothing can be done without screenshots or some other type of proof that this happened.

I would just ignore him, leave the room or kick him if you're op'd.
Uhmmm talking about lack of proof, i was wondering if there is any way to save the chat, like since the minute you join a room all the stuff u type can be saved in some sort of script or anything like it.... i cant explain very well
Some kind of scrypt to save the chat, like you press K on keyboard and then all stuff on the chat goes for a folder on TB and then u can use this folder to use as proof os many things, like duels, trades and another things
Use the "pg up" and "pg dn" buttons on your keyboard to scroll up and down through chat. This should allow you to view any previous racist comments made while you were in the server.

this has happened to me before as well man. Nigger is played out bro, tell that retard to get an imagination and the come back and talk to you
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.