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My replays
These are my replays, i find them easy to do. And yet i can't seem to do it again
Attached Files
I am a NINJA.rpl (35.7 KB, 5 views)
Do a headstand(Litteraly).rpl (49.6 KB, 8 views)
Littleboy9 headkick.rpl (11.0 KB, 2 views)
Mid cap + showoff.rpl (60.0 KB, 3 views)
Littleboy9 legcap.rpl (19.3 KB, 2 views)
I'm afraid i'll have to say that these of rather low quality. You're entirely symmetrical in 4 out of 5 of them, and your movement is stiff and simple across the board. "Mid cap" stands out from the others, in that you aren't symmetrical in it, and your moves are a tad less simple. It makes a surprisingly big difference, really. Anyways, things you should fix:
- Symmetricality. Not only does it look worse, but it also limits you a lot. Just use different joints on the two sides of the body.
- Stiffness. Make your moves flow together, go with the momentum and such. Relaxing joints is helpful, but it all comes with practice.
- Simplicity. While not necessarily a bad thing, complex moves typically look better than simple moves. This requires that you move more joints at a time, make more deliberate setups and be more ambitious/daring with your moves.

Just keep practicing, really. Toribash takes a long time to learn, but if you keep at it, you WILL end up being a great replay maker. Practice makes perfect!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
I'm afraid i'll have to say that these of rather low quality. You're entirely symmetrical in 4 out of 5 of them, and your movement is stiff and simple across the board. "Mid cap" stands out from the others, in that you aren't symmetrical in it, and your moves are a tad less simple. It makes a surprisingly big difference, really. Anyways, things you should fix:
- Symmetricality. Not only does it look worse, but it also limits you a lot. Just use different joints on the two sides of the body.
- Stiffness. Make your moves flow together, go with the momentum and such. Relaxing joints is helpful, but it all comes with practice.
- Simplicity. While not necessarily a bad thing, complex moves typically look better than simple moves. This requires that you move more joints at a time, make more deliberate setups and be more ambitious/daring with your moves.

Just keep practicing, really. Toribash takes a long time to learn, but if you keep at it, you WILL end up being a great replay maker. Practice makes perfect!

I know =D I have just been playing for a month or 2 now.
everybody can play toribash...but its hard at the beginning so...practise makes perfect and what doesnt kill us makes us stronger...
think you can be and good toribash player so practise,practise,practise

( yes i copied a litte bit )