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[L] School Out!
Finally the summer has arrived. The Fun has just began. When I was at school today it was epic. We had a pizza party. One of my friends named hunter. He had his back pac full of paper and he ran down the hall. Throwing it every where. It was a wonderful moment. Then I went to this other school to catch my bus and then. They had eggs and shaving cream. They where throwing it everywhere. I almost got nailed in the face with an egg. I ducked just in time. Then it hit this other dude. But they got me with the shaving cream. I was like "WTF". On the bus people had bottle of water throwing it everywhere!. It was epic. This was the best day of my life. So what you guys doing over the summer?
I'm back :)
Meanwhile in Canada, I'm at work all summer and all winter and spring and fall.

Every single f*cking day

*sorry for language*
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Wow that sucks. You should be off on Saturdays or Sundays. Or have atleast one day off.
I'm back :)
Originally Posted by Dex View Post
Wow that sucks. You should be off on Saturdays or Sundays. Or have atleast one day off.

I work about a hour on weekends

sometimes its two but after that I sleep...
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Oh ok rfifan. That's not that bad. Pnt that's great. My mom is to cheap to do anything over the summer. So I got nothing to do but toribash and things around my house.
I'm back :)
Im working part time. I'm gonna be in my pool just about all summer with my friends. Not mention I'll be tb every day an hour or two or three. I will be active on forums.