Leilak Has a rape dungeon. He should also take his hat off once indoors.
Cyclone3 Makes textures and I got a headbutt decap against him in aikido
eyCoco -
True definition of awesome. Fuck YEAH!!!
Ern He used to be a robot, then he wasnt, now he is again. He is also Scottish, which is quite unfortunate.
Rutz Bit of a pedo, bit of an alcoholic, cooks things that look like shit but probably taste alright.
Jaqon -
Gets high WAY too often.
Leyz - Probably Russian. Wins more stuff than DrBear but doesn't tell anyone out of fear.
40757 Tried to play me at halo once, but was so bad he broke his xbox raging too hard. He also lives near Disney Land
Ace120 Eats KFC, plays basketball, wears a cap at a funny angle and despite using a belt his jeans are always below his waist.
Alessandro -
Doesn't play tb and isn't really active here either, but he likes RED DEAD REDEMPTION.
Rafufu Basically God
Frunk -
His real name is Frank and hes an old fag, but hes looking quite voluptuous with his new set.
Flubbah -
Once stared in a movie with Robin Williams, funny little green bloob
DrBear Doesnt like anyone and once assaulted a member of the postal office over a case of whiskey.
Feel free to fill in the blanks,
and that i shall do
Last edited by leilak; May 29, 2010 at 09:50 PM.