Original Post
[Shop]Head,Cheap price

i'm reselling head,also i've fixed the spin to slow
take look at it



-Cannibal head----------->500tc(512x512)

-mutant head------------->550tc(512x512)

-oneeyeneonhead -----------250tc(128x12

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2nd edition

-neonHead---------------not for sell




-Spiderman head-------------5k(128x12

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3rd edition

-knight reg--------------------1k(512x512)

-knight neon----------------------1.5k(512x512)

-ironman reg----------------------1k(256x256)



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glowinthe dark------------------5k

================================================== =======

Last edited by JTaekwondo; Jun 1, 2010 at 03:05 AM.
Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
Can you make me a neonhead without red, blue, black, but instead with black and purple?

this is dyno,Like it?
how did u get yur heads to rotate on the thread. i know how to make them rotate but i can put them on the thread and make them rotate
Originally Posted by GrimRipper07 View Post
how did u get yur heads to rotate on the thread. i know how to make them rotate but i can put them on the thread and make them rotate

wtf,if u can,don't say it to me

also dynomite i've send example on the clan