Christmas Lottery
Original Post
An Odd Replay Bug
So, now, oddly enough, whenever I scroll almost completely downwards in my replays section, my game suddenly freezes up and crashes. It doesn't completely reach the bottom of the list, freezing up just before the last couple of replays and showing half of one of the listings.

Is this common, and if so how do I fix it?

A screenshot:
sounds like an error with one of the replays it's self, to make sure it's not try both toribash version 3.88 and 3.9b5

Link to 3.88
Link to 3.9b5
Try moving the replay files that should be at the bottom of the list to another folder & try again, could be a corrupt file causing it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Thanks, it was a problem with one of the replays, but now I'm getting another replay-related bug.

I moved them out of the folder to check which were bad and deleted them, but when I put all the good ones back in, the last one in the listing doesn't appear ingame (Which in my case is WallFlip, a default replay I think.)

This one isn't nearly as much of a problem, but I'd like to know if it's possible to fix it.