Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[B]Forces/relaxes too ~1000qi
Thread tells u all i buy your force/lax to 1000 qi
You offer and we'll haggle some
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Gold lax 7.5 k
Cobra force 10 k
And we have deal
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Gold lax 8 than
Cobra 11
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Cobra 11 and deal :P
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
11,1 and deal !?
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.