now that I'm done with my Junior Theme essay, and can actually check the forums, everything seems to be against me.
I don't want to turn this into a flame thread, but rob is not telling it like it is.
Here's my side of the story:
Bez had a radio. relax, which he was going to give me for free
I thanked him, but told him I needed a radio. force
Rob had a radio. force
Someone (I think Bez), came up with the idea that Bez and Rob could trade, and Bez could give me the force.
Rob proceeded to ignore us for 5 or so minutes.
Rob said, "Sorry, I was on MSN"
Rob denied the offer.
Bez decided to keep the radio. relax, because it 'might become rare'.
I offered Rob all my tC (about 1k) for the force.
He ignored me.
I asked again.
He freaked out, and told me to stop begging (though I was offering tC)
He made a stupid thread about me.
--End of Story--
Bez can vouch for me, though after all these hate posts, I dunno if anyone would at this point.
I have a radio. force now, so Rob can chill.