Christmas Lottery
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What color would go good with Vamp Relax?
i need an color not over 10k that would go great with vamp.
Also im only a bluebelt.
Yellow, Orange, Green, etc.

Mostly you can mix up any kind of joint combination if you have the right textures to have it.
Originally Posted by Aspire

vampie is pretty flexible when matching colours, everything looks good with it :P

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
I combined my Vampire with Amber, Shaman, Copper, Gold, Quicksilver, Pharos and Sphinx so far.
But colors that are kind of similar often look good together.
So for example combining Acid and Dragon wouldn't exactly please my eye.
Hope i could help you a little.
When choosing colors for my Tori, I tend to use the in-game Torishop and browse through the force and relax colors. That way you see it before you buy it and can make the best possible decision.
Ah ok.
all of you guys were helpful with my decision on what my secondary color would be.
Thxs. mods may close this now.