Original Post
Corey's Stolen Replays
I've made a couple of replays on my friends laptop, which I "stole". His lappy is alot better than my desktop, so I think I can make better replays on here.

!Corey Split Cap: Pretty simple split cap, 'cept it took a while to get the decap just right, so i'm proud of that.

!Cap for Lemmy: Made this manipulation for Lempika, after I watched his Root Beer manip <3

I'll upload more when I can, as I don't always have access to this laptop.
Attached Files
!Cap for Lemmy.rpl (88.3 KB, 33 views)
!Corey Split Cap.rpl (112.9 KB, 27 views)
Yay a replay for me! That was really nice and quick. I've never really thought of kicking off Uke to pull off stunts.

Split cap was really nice as well. At around 210 I thought you were going to break down into one of those spinning dance moves.
Cap for lemmy:Pretty decent but quite slow.I like the pose though

Splitcap:Is the same opener used here?and the decap looks nice
Thanks for the good feedback guys 8D

!LickingLemons: Hah, i'm quite proud of this replay. I think it's pretty decent 'cause of the dance type starter into a decap.

!Punch2Split: Not a splitcap, a capsplit :P
Attached Files
!LickingLemons.rpl (106.7 KB, 16 views)
!Punch2Split.rpl (99.2 KB, 15 views)
Licking Lemons - ^what lempika said. I can add though that the pose was very original

Punch2split - wow, nice flow. I've been trying to something like this for a while, so i can appreciate how hard it is to get the punch =P