Original Post
[LeGeNd] clan! join
anyone want to join the LeGeNdz clan..if you join you get money for colors you want and we all chip in for a server!! i also am making a LeGeNd website using freewebs so ill tell you the web address later, heres some news-----

LeGeNd Klan!-get head textures by chipping in and + go to
and download xfire and put your username as the same one in toribash so i can speak with you easier! so if you want to join ill be on pretty much everyday and it will be MUST be a green beltt or higher, if you want help to get you belts up ill be sure to help you! im a brown belt at the moment and im pretty good..if you like to share with us your starting moves thats great! so post your thread with the following answers---

Belt color-
why you want to join-

My username is telesmash0 on Xfire and jus pm me wen u have the chance!! thanks!
Yep, you'll probably have to rename yourselves.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."

Belt: Black
Username: Ragdollmaster
Why I Want to Join: PICKLEZ!!!

[/sarcasm] lulz

Anyways, nowhere near proper format... lock/edit please -.-
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.