Original Post
a partner
i'm looking for a shop partner

1- he must be making textures
2- avvy's
3- sig's
4- banners

i will close the thread after .............. i will see

and u must post E.g's ok
That doesn't make sense.
NOT THEIR BUSINESS? Are you fucking stupid?
You will work will them and do art with them and your art isn't their business?
Get a fucking brain.
No offense but your post was really stupid.
Tint is sex.

I only made 93k on this EDIT: I made 100500tc off this set

this is a gui request i won

one of many clan logos i've made

logo request i won

some lame emo head request i made for a friend

I also own a few texture sets like 4-5
Last edited by dpod; Jun 28, 2010 at 05:52 PM.
..::]Dpod's Shop Comming Soon[::..