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Can we have a tutorial/game help perm. thread
I need help in Aikido, agaisnt that asshole who does that one move!!! you know that pick you up take you outta bounds move!!! GOD!!! it gets me every time.. and Im making UNCE look bad by losing to those noobs who know it!!! FUDGE MUFFINS MAN! FUDGE MUFFINS!!! please if you know how to defeat this move (Ash....) please show me how... I will try to get a replay from this streak 14 asshole...

DAMMIT couldnt get it... but uh.. yeah... just if you know what im talking about Aikido guys let me know.
umm... to beat it try to knock them off their balance before they pick you up... and if the do pick you up.. move down not up... that way you can get balance again
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
if someone is using the same move over and over again and beats you every time, copy their move ;) that wud confuse them
[A L P H A]