Original Post
What to do on vacations?
i need some ideas :|

( ps: try post stupid stuff in order to be funny , realistic stuff, nan )
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Lmao! xD

I would like to do some travel with some friends just for fun xDD
I might go to Chile in december with my friends xD
will be awsome =)

maybe we start a rebellion xDD

Hmm, I jump [s]on[\s] beside my grandma, or I drag myself by holding my relatives' legs. My shirt gets dirty, but its worth it.
umm k

last vacation i had where awesome to go with friends its the most epic thing evah! XD i should do it again sometimes we where in amsterdam germany france italy and spain lol ! was fuckin awesome!@#!#$@$