(Incomp.) Handstand "Windmill" Kick
I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place to put it, so I'm terribly sorry if this is not the correct section, but I didn't see it in the rules, so why shouldn't I be able to put it here? It's supposed to be a handstand "360"/wheel kick, but I can't get him to spin... I can get him into the correct pose, but I can't get him to rotate (fast) by any means. (Again, sorry if this is the wrong section for stuff... I did share a replay though.)
I guess I'm aiming for a Handstand to a (sorta) "Windmill" if you think about it in breakdancing terms.
I kinda feel like I should make the transition from contracted to extended knees midair...
If you need some sort of ref, or something to work with:
Extend Right hip
Contract left hip
Contract both knees
Raise both shoulder
Hold wrists
Extend elbows
Hold glutes
Extend abs
Contract ankles
Hold lumbar
Space x 9
Engage distance 250-300. (And sorry yet again if I fail and failure-ishly put this topic in the wrong section...)