Original Post
(Incomp.) Handstand "Windmill" Kick
I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place to put it, so I'm terribly sorry if this is not the correct section, but I didn't see it in the rules, so why shouldn't I be able to put it here? It's supposed to be a handstand "360"/wheel kick, but I can't get him to spin... I can get him into the correct pose, but I can't get him to rotate (fast) by any means. (Again, sorry if this is the wrong section for stuff... I did share a replay though.)

I guess I'm aiming for a Handstand to a (sorta) "Windmill" if you think about it in breakdancing terms.

I kinda feel like I should make the transition from contracted to extended knees midair...

If you need some sort of ref, or something to work with:
Extend Right hip
Contract left hip
Contract both knees
Raise both shoulder
Hold wrists
Extend elbows
Hold glutes
Extend abs
Contract ankles
Hold lumbar

Space x 9

Engage distance 250-300. (And sorry yet again if I fail and failure-ishly put this topic in the wrong section...)
Attached Files
IncompleteHSC.rpl (13.8 KB, 43 views)
Reopening. Seeing as you're just asking for help on your replay, it suits here fine.

If you disagree, Tempo, shoot me a PM or bug me on IRC about it, thanks.
Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
Reopening. Seeing as you're just asking for help on your replay, it suits here fine.

If you disagree, Tempo, shoot me a PM or bug me on IRC about it, thanks.

Ah, sorry my bad.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
You need to have both hands on the ground
and you need to use your chest and your glutes
you also need some starting momentum to make
a good replay out of it.

I cant really make a replay worth showing sorry.
Last edited by TheBlackGuard; Jun 28, 2010 at 08:27 PM.
Yeah, I finally got it to work a bit, but the momentum is the problem I have, since I can't get my legs to land a powerful blow, not to mention momentum would probably make the spinning a bit easier.
Originally Posted by Infern0o View Post
Can't really get anything off this... Will you allow me to post an example heli that I have made?

Sure, go ahead. Anything that would possibly help is fine.