If you find me on IRC, I'll be glad to participate.
I've been in every usergroup excluding admin and clan admin.
[13:39] <@ChrisDom> Yo hanz0, how's it going bro?
[13:40] <+hanz0> Decent. Got off of work early, ate an otter pop.
[13:40] <@ChrisDom> sounds awesome
[13:40] <@ChrisDom> to start, you've been around for a long time right?
[13:40] <+hanz0> Not as long as most of the staff, actually
[13:40] <+hanz0> I joined in, uh, February 2008
[13:41] <@ChrisDom> that's it? I thought you were MUCH older
[13:41] <+hanz0> Making me a newfag by most/all standards. :D
[13:41] == rittu has changed nick to ijoinedinthesamemonthandyear
[13:41] <@ChrisDom> well ok.
[13:41] == ijoinedinthesamemonthandyear has changed nick to rittu
[13:41] <@ChrisDom> If I remember, you were a market mod right?
[13:41] <+hanz0> Correct
[13:41] <@ChrisDom> And today, you are an admin.
[13:42] <+hanz0> Yep. An exciting rise, etc.
[13:42] <@ChrisDom> Tell me about the jump.
[13:42] <+hanz0> Well.
[13:42] <+hanz0> I was promoted to local mod in Market back when it was a single, awful, cluttered board
[13:42] <+hanz0> (More awful than it is now!)
[13:42] <@ChrisDom> (oh wow)
[13:43] <+hanz0> After trying to deal with that for... a day, at most, I decided that a restructuring was seriously needed
[13:44] <+hanz0> I had veb (or whatever alt he was going by at that time) set up the basic Art/Textures / Items / Torishop Discussion setup that we have now
[13:44] <+hanz0> And then took a few hours to move all the threads to where they were.
[13:44] <@ChrisDom> You went through the whole board, and sorted it?
[13:44] <+hanz0> With the help of GenX000 (Who I had recommended as an assistant), yep.
[13:45] <@ChrisDom> Lot of work man. Good job
[13:45] <+hanz0> One of the less pleasant experiences, along with the time Mosier and I went through all of the local mods and removed IP viewing abilities
[13:45] <+hanz0> As far as jumping from local mod to smod, that was in large part to me being unable to handle a lot of the issues in Market with what I had as a local mod.
[13:46] <+hanz0> I was reporting a huge number of posts on a daily basis that needed infractions, etc., and eventually they decided to just give me smod instead. >.>
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> That's really great hanz0.
[13:46] <@ChrisDom> You just may be my new favorite person
[13:47] <+hanz0> :D.
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> Now, as an admin
[13:47] <@ChrisDom> What exactly do you do?
[13:47] <+hanz0> Well, the majority of my workload is still in the Market
[13:48] <+hanz0> The members of the Alpha Team each have their own specific focus (e.g. Delaid's clans, I'm Market, etc.)
[13:48] <@ChrisDom> ah.
[13:48] <+hanz0> Somewhat recently I (and the Market Squad) undertook scam reports as well
[13:48] <+hanz0> So those now get redirected from Support to our Scam Reports thread
[13:49] <@ChrisDom> So, market and support are really close now
[13:49] <+hanz0> Somewhat, yeah
[13:49] <+hanz0> Support is now (to my knowledge) more focused on technical stuff
[13:49] <+hanz0> Whereas we handle player misbehavior and the like
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> Player misbehavior?
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> in market?
[13:50] <+hanz0> Eh
[13:50] <@ChrisDom> I thought you would basically be tied to scamming
[13:50] <+hanz0> Scamming's the major one
[13:50] <+hanz0> Occasionally I get a hacking case
[13:51] <@ChrisDom> Ah ok.
[13:51] <@ChrisDom> About how many reports do you go through in a day?
[13:51] <+hanz0> Well
[13:51] <+hanz0> Since I'm working during the week (and had school, previously), I tend to go through scam reports over the weekends
[13:52] <+hanz0> steve's been able to help me recently, which has been really awesome
[13:52] <@ChrisDom> steve is awesome
[13:52] <+hanz0> ... As the sheer volume of scam reports we get can get to be quite overwhelming at times
[13:53] <+hanz0> For example...
[13:53] <+hanz0> This is my summary of reports handled when I got back from a one-week vacation: http://forum.toribash.com/showpost.php?p=2895860&postcount=740
[13:53] <+hanz0> (Should be noted, however, that that's including reports stretching back for about 3-4 weeks, as I was extremely busy with final exams and such)
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> Wow.
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> Does the market squad help you with that?
[13:54] <@ChrisDom> or is it just you and steve?
[13:55] <+hanz0> For the most part, it's just us, but every once in a while I'll throw a tedious task (e.g. making a list of items stolen) at them
[13:55] <@ChrisDom> Ah that's mean hanz0.
[13:55] <+hanz0> We've been criticized for "inefficiency" in the past, but let me tell you, it's hard to be extremely efficient when you're trying to track 30+ items being bounced between dozens of accounts
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> But you guys all pull it off
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> right?
[13:56] <+hanz0> Eventually, yeah. Without going insane, too!
[13:56] <@ChrisDom> Awesome.
[13:57] <@ChrisDom> Any last words hanz0?
[13:57] <+hanz0> Hrm.
[13:57] <+hanz0> Mostly, I'd like to remind people (Yet again) that the staff's not able to dedicate every moment of our lives to their needs
[13:58] <+hanz0> We get a lot of needy people that apparently feel that they need to be at the top of our priority lists
[13:58] <@ChrisDom> And that won't happen.
[13:58] <+hanz0> Right. I'm working, just graduated from a college-level high school program, going to be in college next year, and many of the staff are in similar positions.
[13:59] <+hanz0> Skul's really the only one that does this 'full-time' (And how he manages that, I have no idea)
[14:00] <@ChrisDom> Since skul works "full-time"
[14:00] <@ChrisDom> He has it harder on him right?
[14:01] <@ChrisDom> do you know what he manages?
[14:01] <+hanz0> Not entirely, no
[14:01] <@ChrisDom> Do you have an idea?
[14:01] <+hanz0> However, I'd definitely say that he does the most work out of the volunteering staff
[14:02] <+hanz0> Apart from the stuff on the forums, I believe he also monitors the support email
[14:02] <+hanz0> Which I don't have access to, but I'm sure it's full of all sorts of exciting stuff
[14:02] <@ChrisDom> Pretty tons more hacking
[14:02] <@ChrisDom> TONS of it.
[14:02] <+hanz0> Yep
[14:02] <+hanz0> I'm not really sure how I'd measure workload, really
[14:03] <@ChrisDom> You said you are a busy guy
[14:03] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you'll be quitting soon?
[14:03] <+hanz0> That's something I've been thinking about quite a bit
[14:03] <+hanz0> The past couple years have been an interesting balance between school and moderating
[14:04] <+hanz0> However, I was in an advanced (often college-level) program, so I feel like I should be able to transition over to college fairly smoothly
[14:04] <+hanz0> So I expect there'll probably be a month or two where I'm settling in, but after that I'm hoping to continue with this
[14:04] <+hanz0> Maybe not as much stuff, but what I can do.
[14:05] <@ChrisDom> and in college, do you think you'll have less time?
[14:05] <+hanz0> That's a bit of a conundrum (HA HA I USED THAT WORD), actually
[14:06] <+hanz0> My schedule will probably be much more loose just due to how college is, but that might be offset by a higher academic workload
[14:06] <+hanz0> And I'm still trying to sort out extracurricular stuff
[14:06] <+hanz0> (I do taekwondo at the moment, but don't know how actively I'll be able to continue that)
[14:07] <@ChrisDom> so time will tell
[14:07] <@ChrisDom> if you quit or not?
[14:07] <+hanz0> I doubt I'll outright quit, really
[14:07] <+hanz0> Again, I'm not hugely concerned about the transition over to college, so I expect the most will be a reduced workload
[14:08] <+hanz0> Which I'm sure the Market Squad can pick up. :P
[14:08] <@ChrisDom> Well. that's all I have for you hanz0
[14:08] <@ChrisDom> any more last words?
[14:08] == siku [[email protected]] has joined #interview
[14:09] == siku has changed nick to HANZ0_UR_OVER
[14:09] * hanz0 waves at siku.
[14:09] <+hanz0> Hm
[14:09] <+hanz0> I'd make a comment regarding the wonderful hatemail I get on occasion, but I feel like that might border on offensive. :D
[14:10] <@ChrisDom> Do it
[14:10] == steve [[email protected]] has joined #interview
[14:10] <@ChrisDom> well give me an example of the hate mail
[14:10] <@ChrisDom> are we talking
[14:11] <@ChrisDom> "WHERE MY ITEMZ I HAET U HAND0!!"
[14:11] <@ChrisDom> or something else
[14:11] <+hanz0> More often it's in relation to me infracting them or banning them or somethin'
[14:11] <+hanz0> And I'm quite fond of when they assume that I've got a personal vendetta against them
[14:12] <@ChrisDom> K thank you hanz0
Market has always been hardcore. I guess.
Of course. You'd be perfect after hanz0.
Also, hanz0.
Market has always been hardcore. I guess.[13:39] <@ChrisDom> Yo hanz0, how's it going bro? [13:40] <+hanz0> Decent. Got off of work early, ate an otter pop. [13:40] <@ChrisDom> sounds awesome [13:40] <@ChrisDom> to start, you've been around for a long time right? [13:40] <+hanz0> Not as long as most of the staff, actually [13:40] <+hanz0> I joined in, uh, February 2008 [13:41] <@ChrisDom> that's it? I thought you were MUCH older [13:41] <+hanz0> Making me a newfag by most/all standards. :D [13:41] == rittu has changed nick to ijoinedinthesamemonthandyear [13:41] <@ChrisDom> well ok. [13:41] == ijoinedinthesamemonthandyear has changed nick to rittu [13:41] <@ChrisDom> If I remember, you were a market mod right? [13:41] <+hanz0> Correct [13:41] <@ChrisDom> And today, you are an admin. [13:42] <+hanz0> Yep. An exciting rise, etc. [13:42] <@ChrisDom> Tell me about the jump. [13:42] <+hanz0> Well. [13:42] <+hanz0> I was promoted to local mod in Market back when it was a single, awful, cluttered board [13:42] <+hanz0> (More awful than it is now!) [13:42] <@ChrisDom> (oh wow) [13:43] <+hanz0> After trying to deal with that for... a day, at most, I decided that a restructuring was seriously needed [13:44] <+hanz0> I had veb (or whatever alt he was going by at that time) set up the basic Art/Textures / Items / Torishop Discussion setup that we have now [13:44] <+hanz0> And then took a few hours to move all the threads to where they were. [13:44] <@ChrisDom> You went through the whole board, and sorted it? [13:44] <+hanz0> With the help of GenX000 (Who I had recommended as an assistant), yep. [13:45] <@ChrisDom> Lot of work man. Good job [13:45] <+hanz0> One of the less pleasant experiences, along with the time Mosier and I went through all of the local mods and removed IP viewing abilities [13:45] <+hanz0> As far as jumping from local mod to smod, that was in large part to me being unable to handle a lot of the issues in Market with what I had as a local mod. [13:46] <+hanz0> I was reporting a huge number of posts on a daily basis that needed infractions, etc., and eventually they decided to just give me smod instead. >.> [13:46] <@ChrisDom> That's really great hanz0. [13:46] <@ChrisDom> You just may be my new favorite person [13:47] <+hanz0> :D. [13:47] <@ChrisDom> Now, as an admin [13:47] <@ChrisDom> What exactly do you do? [13:47] <+hanz0> Well, the majority of my workload is still in the Market [13:48] <+hanz0> The members of the Alpha Team each have their own specific focus (e.g. Delaid's clans, I'm Market, etc.) [13:48] <@ChrisDom> ah. [13:48] <+hanz0> Somewhat recently I (and the Market Squad) undertook scam reports as well [13:48] <+hanz0> So those now get redirected from Support to our Scam Reports thread [13:49] <@ChrisDom> So, market and support are really close now [13:49] <+hanz0> Somewhat, yeah [13:49] <+hanz0> Support is now (to my knowledge) more focused on technical stuff [13:49] <+hanz0> Whereas we handle player misbehavior and the like [13:50] <@ChrisDom> Player misbehavior? [13:50] <@ChrisDom> in market? [13:50] <+hanz0> Eh [13:50] <@ChrisDom> I thought you would basically be tied to scamming [13:50] <+hanz0> Scamming's the major one [13:50] <+hanz0> Occasionally I get a hacking case [13:51] <@ChrisDom> Ah ok. [13:51] <@ChrisDom> About how many reports do you go through in a day? [13:51] <+hanz0> Well [13:51] <+hanz0> Since I'm working during the week (and had school, previously), I tend to go through scam reports over the weekends [13:52] <+hanz0> steve's been able to help me recently, which has been really awesome [13:52] <@ChrisDom> steve is awesome [13:52] <+hanz0> ... As the sheer volume of scam reports we get can get to be quite overwhelming at times [13:53] <+hanz0> For example... [13:53] <+hanz0> This is my summary of reports handled when I got back from a one-week vacation: http://forum.toribash.com/showpost.php?p=2895860&postcount=740 [13:53] <+hanz0> (Should be noted, however, that that's including reports stretching back for about 3-4 weeks, as I was extremely busy with final exams and such) [13:54] <@ChrisDom> Wow. [13:54] <@ChrisDom> Does the market squad help you with that? [13:54] <@ChrisDom> or is it just you and steve? [13:55] <+hanz0> For the most part, it's just us, but every once in a while I'll throw a tedious task (e.g. making a list of items stolen) at them [13:55] <@ChrisDom> Ah that's mean hanz0. [13:55] <+hanz0> We've been criticized for "inefficiency" in the past, but let me tell you, it's hard to be extremely efficient when you're trying to track 30+ items being bounced between dozens of accounts [13:56] <@ChrisDom> But you guys all pull it off [13:56] <@ChrisDom> right? [13:56] <+hanz0> Eventually, yeah. Without going insane, too! [13:56] <@ChrisDom> Awesome. [13:57] <@ChrisDom> Any last words hanz0? [13:57] <+hanz0> Hrm. [13:57] <+hanz0> Mostly, I'd like to remind people (Yet again) that the staff's not able to dedicate every moment of our lives to their needs [13:58] <+hanz0> We get a lot of needy people that apparently feel that they need to be at the top of our priority lists [13:58] <@ChrisDom> And that won't happen. [13:58] <+hanz0> Right. I'm working, just graduated from a college-level high school program, going to be in college next year, and many of the staff are in similar positions. [13:59] <+hanz0> Skul's really the only one that does this 'full-time' (And how he manages that, I have no idea) [14:00] <@ChrisDom> Since skul works "full-time" [14:00] <@ChrisDom> He has it harder on him right? [14:01] <@ChrisDom> do you know what he manages? [14:01] <+hanz0> Not entirely, no [14:01] <@ChrisDom> Do you have an idea? [14:01] <+hanz0> However, I'd definitely say that he does the most work out of the volunteering staff [14:02] <+hanz0> Apart from the stuff on the forums, I believe he also monitors the support email [14:02] <+hanz0> Which I don't have access to, but I'm sure it's full of all sorts of exciting stuff [14:02] <@ChrisDom> Pretty tons more hacking [14:02] <@ChrisDom> TONS of it. [14:02] <+hanz0> Yep [14:02] <+hanz0> I'm not really sure how I'd measure workload, really [14:03] <@ChrisDom> You said you are a busy guy [14:03] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you'll be quitting soon? [14:03] <+hanz0> That's something I've been thinking about quite a bit [14:03] <+hanz0> The past couple years have been an interesting balance between school and moderating [14:04] <+hanz0> However, I was in an advanced (often college-level) program, so I feel like I should be able to transition over to college fairly smoothly [14:04] <+hanz0> So I expect there'll probably be a month or two where I'm settling in, but after that I'm hoping to continue with this [14:04] <+hanz0> Maybe not as much stuff, but what I can do. [14:05] <@ChrisDom> and in college, do you think you'll have less time? [14:05] <+hanz0> That's a bit of a conundrum (HA HA I USED THAT WORD), actually [14:06] <+hanz0> My schedule will probably be much more loose just due to how college is, but that might be offset by a higher academic workload [14:06] <+hanz0> And I'm still trying to sort out extracurricular stuff [14:06] <+hanz0> (I do taekwondo at the moment, but don't know how actively I'll be able to continue that) [14:07] <@ChrisDom> so time will tell [14:07] <@ChrisDom> if you quit or not? [14:07] <+hanz0> I doubt I'll outright quit, really [14:07] <+hanz0> Again, I'm not hugely concerned about the transition over to college, so I expect the most will be a reduced workload [14:08] <+hanz0> Which I'm sure the Market Squad can pick up. :P [14:08] <@ChrisDom> Well. that's all I have for you hanz0 [14:08] <@ChrisDom> any more last words? [14:08] == siku [[email protected]] has joined #interview [14:09] == siku has changed nick to HANZ0_UR_OVER [14:09] * hanz0 waves at siku. [14:09] <+hanz0> Hm [14:09] <+hanz0> I'd make a comment regarding the wonderful hatemail I get on occasion, but I feel like that might border on offensive. :D [14:10] <@ChrisDom> Do it [14:10] == steve [[email protected]] has joined #interview [14:10] <@ChrisDom> well give me an example of the hate mail [14:10] <@ChrisDom> are we talking [14:11] <@ChrisDom> "WHERE MY ITEMZ I HAET U HAND0!!" [14:11] <@ChrisDom> or something else [14:11] <+hanz0> More often it's in relation to me infracting them or banning them or somethin' [14:11] <+hanz0> And I'm quite fond of when they assume that I've got a personal vendetta against them [14:12] <@ChrisDom> K thank you hanz0
I also just want to say, this is a really good thread idea. :3
(oh yeah and I joined in the same month and year)
[14:32] <@ChrisDom> sup steve.
[14:32] <+steve> whats going on dom?
[14:33] <@ChrisDom> You say that you have been in EVERY user group besides admin
[14:33] <@ChrisDom> right?
[14:33] <+steve> yussir
[14:33] <@ChrisDom> Where did you start?
[14:33] <+steve> PT :V
[14:33] <@ChrisDom> And how was that for you?
[14:34] <+steve> it was a pretty good time
[14:34] <+steve> the PT was a fun bunch
[14:34] <+steve> when I started, the PT actually meant and did something
[14:34] <@ChrisDom> Yep, PT was fun at the beginning
[14:34] <@ChrisDom> Did everyone in the PT have different jobs?
[14:35] <@ChrisDom> or was it collective?
[14:35] <+steve> i started in PT as an event host
[14:35] <+steve> people were allotted different jobs that pertained to their talents
[14:35] <+steve> art, dev, hosting, events
[14:35] <+steve> stuff along those lines
[14:35] <+steve> also
[14:35] <+steve> to make rittu happy
[14:35] <@ChrisDom> :>
[14:36] <+steve> he supervised the first tourney I hosted
[14:36] <+steve> which was a shitstorm :D
[14:36] <@ChrisDom> Of course
[14:36] <@ChrisDom> rittu sux.
[14:36] <+steve> yea
[14:36] <+steve> so then I was PT for around 3 months
[14:36] <@ChrisDom> but what exactly made PT die?
[14:36] <+steve> as far as I know
[14:36] <+steve> we dumped too much tc into the economy
[14:36] <+steve> when not enough was leaving
[14:37] <@ChrisDom> Good job.
[14:37] <+steve> and thats just to start :v
[14:37] <+steve> when PT was killed, there was around 40 members
[14:37] <+steve> i don't even want to go into how many of those people were lazy and inactive
[14:37] <+steve> basically, it became nostalgia central
[14:38] <+steve> oldfaegs got to keep their positions because they were oldfaegs
[14:38] <+steve> and the leaders were to hesitant to remove people who contributed alot in the past
[14:38] <@ChrisDom> so after PT
[14:38] <@ChrisDom> What did you do?
[14:39] <+steve> before PT died
[14:39] <+steve> me and Fnugget were approached by commander hanz0
[14:39] <+steve> to be the new moderators for the flame sub forum
[14:39] <+steve> then soon after I was promoted to PT lead
[14:40] <+steve> then me and hanz0 came up with the idea for msquad
[14:40] <+steve> which was born soon after
[14:40] <+steve> then PT was tanked
[14:40] <@ChrisDom> so is this way you and hanz0 have a good relationship
[14:41] <@ChrisDom> fathers of the market squad and all
[14:41] <+steve> I guess you could say that
[14:41] <+steve> ;v
[14:41] <+steve> so thats still been going pretty well
[14:41] <@ChrisDom> then what did you do after PT lead?
[14:42] <+steve> after PT was tanked, me, phail, and slipanc were put in charge of the new GK usergroup
[14:42] <+steve> but then we realized
[14:43] <+steve> that since the dramatic lack of ~ ingame would be bad
[14:43] <+steve> kitfox started up the new tori-agents
[14:43] <+steve> with me second in command I guess
[14:44] <@ChrisDom> And how was GK?
[14:44] <+steve> its pretty nice
[14:44] <@ChrisDom> I bet you guys didn't have a ton of problems
[14:44] <+steve> still running smoothly
[14:44] <+steve> well
[14:44] <+steve> the main problem we had to and still have to face
[14:44] <+steve> is all the excess tc in the economy
[14:44] <+steve> we want to give out spectacular prizes
[14:45] <+steve> but we can't flood the economy like PT did
[14:45] <@ChrisDom> You guys can't raid old accounts and recover tc?
[14:45] <@ChrisDom> people like riseagainst quit with millions
[14:46] <+steve> its not just sitting there, it has been ingrained into the economy
[14:46] <+steve> its like uh
[14:46] <+steve> grinding a cookie into a carpet
[14:46] <+steve> it stays
[14:46] <+steve> people are used to being wealthier
[14:46] <+steve> tc is worth less
[14:46] <+steve> 5 tc per win used to mean something
[14:46] <@ChrisDom> I see...
[14:46] <+steve> 100 tc used to mean something
[14:47] <@ChrisDom> and what is the mod team doing to help the economy?
[14:47] <+steve> now 10k means almost nothing to most players
[14:47] <+steve> we've got something big coming up ;)
[14:47] * steve pokes hanz0 in the eyes
[14:47] <@ChrisDom> Hmmm
[14:48] <@ChrisDom> Mysterious <3
[14:48] <@ChrisDom> So, what did you do after GK?
[14:48] <+steve> i still lead GK with slipanc
[14:48] <+steve> I spend half my forum time with the GK
[14:49] <+steve> and the other half doing moderating and resolving scams
[14:49] <+steve> and brainstorming on ways to improve the community and whatnot
[14:49] <@ChrisDom> would you say...
[14:49] <@ChrisDom> that the forum has been in a "dry" period?
[14:50] <+steve> well
[14:50] <+steve> what do you mean by "dry"?
[14:50] <@ChrisDom> boring.
[14:51] <+steve> well there is always stuff going on
[14:51] <+steve> if you look for it
[14:52] <+steve> events in particular
[14:52] <+steve> GK has stepped up their game alot recently
[14:52] <@ChrisDom> hmm
[14:52] <@ChrisDom> compared to last year
[14:52] <@ChrisDom> Does it seem dry to you then?
[14:52] <+steve> well
[14:53] <+steve> all my main TB acquaintances fall under three categories
[14:53] <+steve> 1. staff
[14:53] <+steve> 2. oldfaegs/ircfaegs
[14:53] <+steve> 3. quit
[14:53] <+steve> most of them rarely go ingame anymore
[14:54] <+steve> rittu: what your email faggot
[14:54] <@ChrisDom> Well, I don't know if ingame has a huge part in it.
[14:54] <+steve> well of course not
[14:54] <@ChrisDom> Last year had much more going to fun.
[14:54] <+steve> but the toribash forum revolves around the game, I guess you could say
[14:54] <@ChrisDom> Goons invade
[14:54] <@ChrisDom> Phoenix clan.
[14:54] <@ChrisDom> Stuff like that
[14:55] <+steve> lol
[14:55] <+steve> people are lazy
[14:55] <@ChrisDom> Can't argue with that.
[14:55] <+steve> I guess if we "organized" more stuff like that
[14:55] <+steve> it would be more fun
[14:56] <@ChrisDom> good
[14:56] <@ChrisDom> good...
[14:56] * steve nostalgias frugoosoft invasion
[14:56] <@ChrisDom> Errr
[14:56] <@ChrisDom> (LOL)
[14:56] <+steve> xD
[14:56] <@ChrisDom> What did you do to get to smod
[14:56] == rittu has changed nick to he_was_on_pt
[14:56] == he_was_on_pt has changed nick to rittu
[14:56] == rittu was kicked from #interview by ChrisDom [wibble]
[14:56] <+steve> well I applied
[14:56] <+steve> and I guess my application was looked upon favorably
[14:57] <+steve> being as I worked hard enough to earn the position that i have now
[14:57] <+steve> and continue to work to keep it and whatnot
[14:57] <@ChrisDom> in a few months, can you see yourself as an admin?
[14:57] <@ChrisDom> You have tons of experience.
[14:58] <+steve> I could see myself as an admin
[14:58] <+steve> and I would be grateful to be able to act as one
[14:58] <@ChrisDom> hint hint
[14:58] <+steve> only if the almighty overlords look upon me with favor
[14:58] * steve pokes hanz0 in the eyes again
[14:58] <@ChrisDom> 1 more question.
[14:59] <@ChrisDom> After Gman80 left, It looked like you took over his job
[14:59] <@ChrisDom> is that right?
[14:59] <+steve> well, I wouldn't put it that way
[15:00] <+steve> I guess you could say that I want to re-ignite the economy with new items
[15:00] <+steve> give the people a reason to spend TC again
[15:00] <@ChrisDom> Mmmk.
[15:00] <+steve> whatever hampa makes for the game, I try to uh
[15:01] <+steve> advertise, I guess
[15:01] <@ChrisDom> Anything you want to add?
[15:01] <+steve> hmm
[15:01] == siku has changed nick to steves_penis_is_small
[15:02] == steve has changed nick to steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ
[15:02] <+steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ> fff
[15:02] <+steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ> close enough
[15:02] <+steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ> nothing I can think of atm
[15:02] <@ChrisDom> ravages univ huh
[15:02] == steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ has changed nick to steve
[15:03] <+steve> I was going for universes
[15:03] == steves_penis_is_small has changed nick to siku
Where is this tc? IT'S EVERYWHERE.
Well, I did it last year. So meh.
Also, Steve
Where is this tc? IT'S EVERYWHERE.[14:32] <@ChrisDom> sup steve. [14:32] <+steve> whats going on dom? [14:33] <@ChrisDom> You say that you have been in EVERY user group besides admin [14:33] <@ChrisDom> right? [14:33] <+steve> yussir [14:33] <@ChrisDom> Where did you start? [14:33] <+steve> PT :V [14:33] <@ChrisDom> And how was that for you? [14:34] <+steve> it was a pretty good time [14:34] <+steve> the PT was a fun bunch [14:34] <+steve> when I started, the PT actually meant and did something [14:34] <@ChrisDom> Yep, PT was fun at the beginning [14:34] <@ChrisDom> Did everyone in the PT have different jobs? [14:35] <@ChrisDom> or was it collective? [14:35] <+steve> i started in PT as an event host [14:35] <+steve> people were allotted different jobs that pertained to their talents [14:35] <+steve> art, dev, hosting, events [14:35] <+steve> stuff along those lines [14:35] <+steve> also [14:35] <+steve> to make rittu happy [14:35] <@ChrisDom> :> [14:36] <+steve> he supervised the first tourney I hosted [14:36] <+steve> which was a shitstorm :D [14:36] <@ChrisDom> Of course [14:36] <@ChrisDom> rittu sux. [14:36] <+steve> yea [14:36] <+steve> so then I was PT for around 3 months [14:36] <@ChrisDom> but what exactly made PT die? [14:36] <+steve> as far as I know [14:36] <+steve> we dumped too much tc into the economy [14:36] <+steve> when not enough was leaving [14:37] <@ChrisDom> Good job. [14:37] <+steve> and thats just to start :v [14:37] <+steve> when PT was killed, there was around 40 members [14:37] <+steve> i don't even want to go into how many of those people were lazy and inactive [14:37] <+steve> basically, it became nostalgia central [14:38] <+steve> oldfaegs got to keep their positions because they were oldfaegs [14:38] <+steve> and the leaders were to hesitant to remove people who contributed alot in the past [14:38] <@ChrisDom> so after PT [14:38] <@ChrisDom> What did you do? [14:39] <+steve> before PT died [14:39] <+steve> me and Fnugget were approached by commander hanz0 [14:39] <+steve> to be the new moderators for the flame sub forum [14:39] <+steve> then soon after I was promoted to PT lead [14:40] <+steve> then me and hanz0 came up with the idea for msquad [14:40] <+steve> which was born soon after [14:40] <+steve> then PT was tanked [14:40] <@ChrisDom> so is this way you and hanz0 have a good relationship [14:41] <@ChrisDom> fathers of the market squad and all [14:41] <+steve> I guess you could say that [14:41] <+steve> ;v [14:41] <+steve> so thats still been going pretty well [14:41] <@ChrisDom> then what did you do after PT lead? [14:42] <+steve> after PT was tanked, me, phail, and slipanc were put in charge of the new GK usergroup [14:42] <+steve> but then we realized [14:43] <+steve> that since the dramatic lack of ~ ingame would be bad [14:43] <+steve> kitfox started up the new tori-agents [14:43] <+steve> with me second in command I guess [14:44] <@ChrisDom> And how was GK? [14:44] <+steve> its pretty nice [14:44] <@ChrisDom> I bet you guys didn't have a ton of problems [14:44] <+steve> still running smoothly [14:44] <+steve> well [14:44] <+steve> the main problem we had to and still have to face [14:44] <+steve> is all the excess tc in the economy [14:44] <+steve> we want to give out spectacular prizes [14:45] <+steve> but we can't flood the economy like PT did [14:45] <@ChrisDom> You guys can't raid old accounts and recover tc? [14:45] <@ChrisDom> people like riseagainst quit with millions [14:46] <+steve> its not just sitting there, it has been ingrained into the economy [14:46] <+steve> its like uh [14:46] <+steve> grinding a cookie into a carpet [14:46] <+steve> it stays [14:46] <+steve> people are used to being wealthier [14:46] <+steve> tc is worth less [14:46] <+steve> 5 tc per win used to mean something [14:46] <@ChrisDom> I see... [14:46] <+steve> 100 tc used to mean something [14:47] <@ChrisDom> and what is the mod team doing to help the economy? [14:47] <+steve> now 10k means almost nothing to most players [14:47] <+steve> we've got something big coming up ;) [14:47] * steve pokes hanz0 in the eyes [14:47] <@ChrisDom> Hmmm [14:48] <@ChrisDom> Mysterious <3 [14:48] <@ChrisDom> So, what did you do after GK? [14:48] <+steve> i still lead GK with slipanc [14:48] <+steve> I spend half my forum time with the GK [14:49] <+steve> and the other half doing moderating and resolving scams [14:49] <+steve> and brainstorming on ways to improve the community and whatnot [14:49] <@ChrisDom> would you say... [14:49] <@ChrisDom> that the forum has been in a "dry" period? [14:50] <+steve> well [14:50] <+steve> what do you mean by "dry"? [14:50] <@ChrisDom> boring. [14:51] <+steve> well there is always stuff going on [14:51] <+steve> if you look for it [14:52] <+steve> events in particular [14:52] <+steve> GK has stepped up their game alot recently [14:52] <@ChrisDom> hmm [14:52] <@ChrisDom> compared to last year [14:52] <@ChrisDom> Does it seem dry to you then? [14:52] <+steve> well [14:53] <+steve> all my main TB acquaintances fall under three categories [14:53] <+steve> 1. staff [14:53] <+steve> 2. oldfaegs/ircfaegs [14:53] <+steve> 3. quit [14:53] <+steve> most of them rarely go ingame anymore [14:54] <+steve> rittu: what your email faggot [14:54] <@ChrisDom> Well, I don't know if ingame has a huge part in it. [14:54] <+steve> well of course not [14:54] <@ChrisDom> Last year had much more going to fun. [14:54] <+steve> but the toribash forum revolves around the game, I guess you could say [14:54] <@ChrisDom> Goons invade [14:54] <@ChrisDom> Phoenix clan. [14:54] <@ChrisDom> Stuff like that [14:55] <+steve> lol [14:55] <+steve> people are lazy [14:55] <@ChrisDom> Can't argue with that. [14:55] <+steve> I guess if we "organized" more stuff like that [14:55] <+steve> it would be more fun [14:56] <@ChrisDom> good [14:56] <@ChrisDom> good... [14:56] * steve nostalgias frugoosoft invasion [14:56] <@ChrisDom> Errr [14:56] <@ChrisDom> (LOL) [14:56] <+steve> xD [14:56] <@ChrisDom> What did you do to get to smod [14:56] == rittu has changed nick to he_was_on_pt [14:56] == he_was_on_pt has changed nick to rittu [14:56] == rittu was kicked from #interview by ChrisDom [wibble] [14:56] <+steve> well I applied [14:56] <+steve> and I guess my application was looked upon favorably [14:57] <+steve> being as I worked hard enough to earn the position that i have now [14:57] <+steve> and continue to work to keep it and whatnot [14:57] <@ChrisDom> in a few months, can you see yourself as an admin? [14:57] <@ChrisDom> You have tons of experience. [14:58] <+steve> I could see myself as an admin [14:58] <+steve> and I would be grateful to be able to act as one [14:58] <@ChrisDom> hint hint [14:58] <+steve> only if the almighty overlords look upon me with favor [14:58] * steve pokes hanz0 in the eyes again [14:58] <@ChrisDom> 1 more question. [14:59] <@ChrisDom> After Gman80 left, It looked like you took over his job [14:59] <@ChrisDom> is that right? [14:59] <+steve> well, I wouldn't put it that way [15:00] <+steve> I guess you could say that I want to re-ignite the economy with new items [15:00] <+steve> give the people a reason to spend TC again [15:00] <@ChrisDom> Mmmk. [15:00] <+steve> whatever hampa makes for the game, I try to uh [15:01] <+steve> advertise, I guess [15:01] <@ChrisDom> Anything you want to add? [15:01] <+steve> hmm [15:01] == siku has changed nick to steves_penis_is_small [15:02] == steve has changed nick to steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ [15:02] <+steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ> fff [15:02] <+steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ> close enough [15:02] <+steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ> nothing I can think of atm [15:02] <@ChrisDom> ravages univ huh [15:02] == steves_giant_dick_ravages_univ has changed nick to steve [15:03] <+steve> I was going for universes [15:03] == steves_penis_is_small has changed nick to siku