Original Post
Cleaning up
Hello, as you all know i am back, and very pleased with the clan. Thank you all who have kept it going while i was gone, especaiully you psy, and semingly dal, as he seems to be very active as well(promotion possibly?)
Back on topic, And speaking of on topic, this clan and forum needs to be cleaqned up.
We have in active members, pointless posts, and posts in the wrong place.
Over the next 24 hours I will be conducting a clean up proccess that will fix the forum and make it more neat, so do not be alarmed if your thread, post, or anything of the sort is deleted or edited.
Thanks for your patience.
Proud Ex-Leader of VorteX
Thanks for the cleanup Ice.
Imma save the threads to put back up, just in case.
I suggest everyone else do the same.
Last edited by DaLanimilbus; Jul 4, 2010 at 01:10 AM.
Proud leader of VorteX

I was about to officer dal (I also thinked to make him a special rank, but waited your approbal )
Nice to clean up. I'd like us to have a talk tomorrow icy =)
Grand Overseer of VorteX