Christmas Lottery
It was 1.475 until I started playing some lel mods

Also, I think I beat everybody in the clan that's not an oldschooler
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
win/lose ratio is real high for every1 with 2007 reg date, cuz due to some lag (and/or some1 stupidity) every game (loses included) counted as a win until it was fixed not so long ago. Plus it doesn't really mean much since we play a lot lel mods and just screw around :o
Originally Posted by leilak View Post

Meh, I should start to play srsly.

the one who needs to start play srsly is me :<
Hippybob: lel mine is actually nearly same to yours :v
I r jealous of you guys, fairly good average winratio :/ on my 10th dan i've 1.265
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