Original Post
dragon is a co-leadr in [afterlife] i told him to pick clans so idk im seein a lot of afterlife players in our sever ............i dont like that
edit i just found out from .... "olympian" witch is in that clan that rofl is in there clan!
Last edited by lulu91291; Jul 15, 2010 at 07:18 AM. Reason: editing
|Aeon|OLDA|MasterBelt|Unibash Mod
Well of course you do because you wrote it. You know what you were trying to say.

And I'm not the first to say they don't get you.
Welcome to an Infernity of pain
Proud VorteXian
infern. you know you got the gist of what he was saying. don't try to be rude just for the heck of it.
Proud Officer of VorteX
i did get most of it. How sure are you that you can trust olympian? just saying... there might be another rofldragon or a rofldragon23, whatever

EDIT: I cant find an afterlife in the clan discussions. i did not look past page 10, and the last thread on that page was replied 2 at 05-07-2010, also there is no official clan afterlife, so I was thinking Rofldragon might have been co-l of afterlife, the clan died and he joined Vortex.

but that does not explain why your seeing afterlife players in our dsc
Last edited by Vandetta; Jul 15, 2010 at 09:36 AM.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
cuz i saw dragon with the tagg on in the vortex rooom
edit: he was but he was usseing the name icedevil1 with the tag [afterlife] i dont know what thats about !
|Aeon|OLDA|MasterBelt|Unibash Mod