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[R] Awesome screenies! 1k
so i basically want you people to take pretty good screenshots of my texture set dl/lp me but with ACID force and PLATINUM lax and with RAYTRACING i want at least 3 POSSING screnies i will give u 1k
Need a logo or a banner CLICK HERE!!Take a look for the best prices and quality!
[Kingdomz] Proud Member!
k... i do this
EDIT: u dont have plat lax or acid force... um i dl u i can only use ur corrent item
[JollyR] [GATA]
i'm going to do it with Blender... do you want any weapons like swords/axes/Bows/Wands/staffs/Knunkles?
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
@ferrock: yes u can edit ITEM.DAT to do that, theres a tut on tut zone
@Dae67: ok give it a try but i dont want stuff i just want my tori possing
Need a logo or a banner CLICK HERE!!Take a look for the best prices and quality!
[Kingdomz] Proud Member!
ok... any BG colors? High raytracing reflection or low? light or dark?
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|