Original Post
Rep cap reached - broken
Rep has broken becuase the cap is reached.

Lol in just fooling with you, But yeah the rep is broken, Has any one noticed.
Also how did the rep brake, Must be the new feature broke it.

You canall spam and not get -reped
I can't rep either, here try to +rep me. HURR HURR I'm kidding, it's not even working.

5$ says a butt hurt mod will infract/ban for this when it's clearly a joke :/

anyways so yea whats wrong? I noticed it earlier and was like O NOES!!!
man it is weird

Originally Posted by Infern0o View Post
i found a way to win

left click on it and open in new window

nice find
Anime United
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
The SuperPrime is suppose to allow rep to be used in wibbles. Guess it conflicted with the rest of the forum.

Seriously? Gah, AJAX always glitches up, at least you can buy the AJAX de-bugger for 12 bucks.
the god