[Omega] Wushu League
So, I was talking to BirdFlu, and I was all like "Let's make a wushu league!" and he said "..Okay"
So, this is the Wushu League, here in Omega
Since I came up with it, I'll lead it, and you more important people can sure help
So, the league is a group of our best wushu players, but if you're not the best at wushu, you can join, so you can learn wushu!
Typically what we'll be doing is getting together as a team, and fighting on our own Wushu servers, and challenging others to come fight our clan, in wushu, for fun
This, for now, has no huge point, and it's not to prove anything, or beat other clans up. And while a league of specially chosen wushu players could beat people up, it's not the point.
The point for me personally is to have fun, playing my buddies, in my favorite mod.
So, if you wanna join, PM me, and I'll put you on this here list
League members:
Last edited by Cinamintz; Aug 1, 2010 at 11:29 PM.