Original Post
[Buying/Selling] Offer here!
Welcome. So, I'm making some deals...

I'm buying every cheap stuff (60~50% OFF)
PS: My QI is 1200

Do you want an elf looking force? But you don't have QI? Persian is your answer!

Owned by 48 players.
Total in circulation: 56

Stock: 28
Qi: 1000
Shop Price: 50,000 Toricredits
Deal Finder Price: 43,000 Toricredits
My Price: 30,000 Toricredits
Last edited by VIT0R; Aug 2, 2010 at 09:22 PM. Reason: Fixing stuff...
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God

Im selling whole inventory!

You can also make offers on single items of you like, but please buy thw whole thin ireally dont want it anymore.

You offer.
@HeX16: 17K.

@1DH1: Actually. The auction is yours. And none has offered yet. 4,3K so.
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God