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+Flame not working?
ok, i just got a flame and it worked fine. Then i bought a texture and equipped it, and the flame looked different, but the same color (i don't even know why). So i didn't like the way it looked, and i unequipped it. I checked it on the game to see if it worked, but the texture was still there. I regarded it as a glitch and ignored that, and made an image of my own (yes, it fit the guidelines, and it equipped). checked it in-game, and my flame is GONE. i figured it was the texture and went to check, thinking it was the image. so i unequipped the texture, flame still equipped, and it's STILL GONE. retried over and over, waited a 10 minutes, still fail. help?!
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Im guessing your flame texture is still there, but the flame is gone? Here's what you do: First, find your toribash directory folder which will most likely be in C:/games/toribash. Next, go ahead and press on your custom folder. Look for your folder with your name on it. Open up your folder, and delete the file "flame.tga" After all this, go back in-game and type /dl p0wnd, wait a few minutes. And then type /lp 0 p0wnd. Hope this works for you
Last edited by firebolty; Aug 2, 2010 at 10:32 PM.
This happens to me constantly. Just type what I told you to. (/dl p0wnd, then /lp 0 p0wnd)

Also, how long did this problem stand?

Also, I /dl and /lp'ed you and I see your flame perfectly :l
Last edited by firebolty; Aug 2, 2010 at 10:38 PM.
thanks a lot, i didn't even have to get to the /dl and /lp 0 part, looks like it was just the stupid flame file.