Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[tex]a christmas colored head
Hey everyone, I made a christmas colored head. It's not currently for sale, but if you want to buy it then just PM me about it. Tell me what you think.

Last edited by Nameless; Dec 16, 2010 at 12:21 AM. Reason: Modifying the title
#Magnus - #Sigma
Thank you for your criticism Cajed, useless and rude as it was. I have modified the name of my posting to Christmas colored, instead of themed, as to make sure that no one else thinks that it is themed. I do not see why you are expressing blatant hostility toward something that does not give any hint of your accusations.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Nameless, Cajed is right. Its just a google picture as it seems, with an incorrect back. This looks like you took no care AT ALL and just decided "Hurr, I will post a google/Filter spam head Durrrrr". Not being a douche, but the head looks like.....not good really.
Thank you for your comment Thesamurai, at least you explained your reasoning. When
I look back at it, I see that it does sorta look like I just got it off of google. I didn't however but I understand why you would think that I spent no time and just was an idiot. The reason most of my stuff is really strange is that I can't do the other types very well and thought someone might like it. I am trying to make one of the normal styles (e.g. daedric, emo, techno etc.) at the moment.
Last edited by Nameless; Dec 16, 2010 at 01:44 AM.
#Magnus - #Sigma
i see how it is xmas themed . and tree decoration or somthink i geuss? sorry if im wrong.

it could be much worse thou but it looks very blury try to mirror sorry for my spelling and try to get imagnitive first start of by selectiung half of the page and making half shapes and then full shapes make curfes and straight lines and link them together. add different shades of colors and hope for the best.

after all you jsut starting off.

who knows maybe what you just made is the best pice of art in the world

i hope this helps .