[DSC]Imperial Waffles
In a Galaxy kinda far away from here.. lived an imperial waffle.. He was in control of his destiny, and only played by his own rules. One day he woke up and decided he wanted to create a master race of imperial waffles to get rid of anyone that got in his way. This clan is his legacy.-hackhater
Clan Bank
We need all clan members to donate what they can to the clan bank. Clan bank name is iwbank. Any donations would be great!!
Clan Members/rank
If you wish to join the Imperial Waffles please fill out a simple application below, just basically letting us know a little bit about you.
Name: [in game]
Favorite Mods:
Special Skills: [art,heads,etc...]
What should we know about you:
Post your best replay here:
Applications are checked atleast once a day
Clan News/Updates
I'm currently trying to come up with a system of goverment for the clan
- If anyone has ideas for a ranking system for the clan post it
- We also need to come up with a Clan motto
Last edited by hackhater; Dec 18, 2010 at 10:46 AM.