Secret Santa 2024
your 4 texture trails for my vampire blood and 1k
your acid force for my 3 marine bloods and 3 gaia forces+1k
my offer only on each ill make it 2k trails are 3k each dude 12k vampire blood can easily sell 10k and the i give you 2k and acid force is 9k and each marine blood 1.2k and gaia is 1k each force and ill add 2.2k

so my offer is

your texture trails for my vampire blood and 2k
your acid force for my 3 marine bloods 3 gaia forces and sphinx relax+1k
OMG: Your offer is good as far as I can see, but I don't like those items, sorry again and thanks for offering.
Body685: Yes.
White2: I dislike noxious, maybe some tc, or a relax.
How About

acid force for vampire blood
4 texture trails for sphinx force+relax,gaia force+relax,marine blood and force,+3k