Name: cdsonic01 (kinda sux i know)
7th dan
Favorite mods:
judo, any parkour/freerunning
Why you want to join:
i've been looking for a new clan for awhile and this clan look
like a good one(you all seem friendly and skilled) also has a cool name
hopefully u will considor me :3

aditional info:
in lost 100 something posts idk why so i should have more but anyway, im active in-game and in forums try to get on at least 2 hrs in a day, used to be co-ldr of a clan but the leader gave up on it and let it die(i was apparently good co-ldr), i like to make new friends hopefully make some in this clan
Last edited by Snook; Jan 9, 2011 at 02:30 PM.