Original Post
How are you even supposed to make money now?
Don't say oh just play the game.
My shop was closed because people can't request artwork anymore.
since when?
so now, you're supposed to make random sets and hope someone wants to buy them?
I don't get it at all.

Free TC!

That, or you could try events, or look at the request board make sets according to requests. Or have people PM you for requests. Or buy it.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
The reason we banned request shops is becuase they are pointless. Everything achieved by them can be done using the requests forum, with the added bonus that requests in the forum stimulate a larger number of users to post artwork, and raises the overall standard of sets.
Quit, probably.
Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
The reason we banned request shops is becuase they are pointless. Everything achieved by them can be done using the requests forum, with the added bonus that requests in the forum stimulate a larger number of users to post artwork, and raises the overall standard of sets.

Why not just have both? this rule seems to be getting a lot of negative attention, and i see why. If you shake something up that's been the same way for so long, people are going to freak out, which would be fine, if it was something that needed to be changed...

imo, anyway, i don't really follow the market that closely... so ye.


Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
The reason we banned request shops is becuase they are pointless. Everything achieved by them can be done using the requests forum, with the added bonus that requests in the forum stimulate a larger number of users to post artwork, and raises the overall standard of sets.

Hm, I wonder how you came by that judgement.

Most, if not all of the high quality artists run by request shops, right? (well, 'ran'...)

Request subforum and request shop are 2 completely different things, and it seems like the similarity in names has confused you...
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Most, if not all of the high quality artists run by request shops, right? (well, 'ran'...)

Yes, this is exactly my point. For a user to request a texture, he had to either make a choice between a large number of 'high quality' texture request shops, or post in the requests board, which was generally of a lower quality, because most of the more skilled texturers did not work outside of their own stores. Now, the only place where request artists can work is on the requests board, which means that users no longer have to make a hard choice, and pay and inflated prices, or settle for a sub-standard texture. Texture artists will continue to make great quality work, but to a wider audience, and their work will increase in standard because of the increase in competition.
Quit, probably.
So i can post a thread that says "PM me for set requests using this application", but i can't just have a shop open in the forum?

Free TC!

Originally Posted by Vulc View Post
So i can post a thread that says "PM me for set requests using this application", but i can't just have a shop open in the forum?

The idea is that users post exactly the same applications that they used to post in request shops, but in the requests forum. Then they can get a choice of artwork from many different members, not just one guy. It's a well-known fact that when you raise the level of competition, general standards increase, and new techniques and styles develop. It benefits everybody in the long run.
Quit, probably.
Lol I'll just tell all the people that make texture sets I want to buy something and hope when they make it it's the one I want. It's like market texture roulette!

edit: I don't see the problem. Just go to the request forum and look at what people are requesting.
Last edited by PyroTime; Jan 16, 2011 at 10:38 PM.
Well, there are many ways to earn tc without playing toribash.

-You can make textures and sell them for tc. on the Art/Texture part of Market in the forum.
-You can forge flames and sell them in the Particle Flame section in the Market section.
-Buy items for cheap sell for more in Item section.
-I wouldnt reccomend it, but you can try the free tc offers. Most of them are either broken or harm your computer in some way.
-Buy tc from sellers in the Market. I know BirdFlu has a good tc shop.