Original Post
[s] Nya flame

or /dl hackduck and /lp 0 hackduck If you want to see the flame in game.
Price: 25k over
or another flame appropriate shade to azurite or to gold.
Last edited by HaCKDucK; Jan 29, 2011 at 10:30 PM.
Ponies lover
This thread is suppose to be in partical flame section where people sell there flames.

that flame is why to expenzise and nobody will buy it.
i cant im not a smod or any of that shit. but to clsoe it go to the top right conor of your screen and click thread tools and then go down and u should see close thread.
/offtopic You can close it yourself, just hit thread tools, and under moderation tools it should say close the thread, click that then hit, perform action (i think)

edit: ninja'd