Franchement pour 10k non, j'ai pas envie de me faire chier.
De plus la capture du malmoth n'est pas l'histoire du clan FROG en général, c'est une histoire spécifique.
Enfin, ils font chier, ils ont qu'à apprendre le Français.

Et pis je galère suffisamment à tenter de faire un replay pour la MC. Pas envie de me charger avec ça en prime.

Si quelqu'un d'autre veut y aller, qu'il se fasse plaisir, mais de mon côté je boycotte pour cause de langue et de prix trop faible et de "autre chose à foutre".
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click
A story about [FROG]

If you want to read about [FROG] clan, you must first read about the true founder, the guiding ancestor that once lead the members of the TriumVirat: Froggy.
Lots of antic books were written about Froggy to tell about him. Lots of those books embellish the true being he was. Nevertheless those stories weren't totaly wrong about who he was. But as one of the three of the TriumVirat who walked the Toriverse by his side I like to believe I knew him better than those books.

Froggy has had a lot of well deserved nicknames about his enlightment, his strength and quickness in combat as well as his wisdom in life. Now it is time to reveal the fact that he is the true founder of [FROG].
One winterish night, after a walk of several kilometers through deserted snowy wastelands in search for our foe of the time, Froggy joined me, Vermine and Melmoth around some camp fire that was struggling for its own heat. We are the TriumVirat, the actual leaders of [FROG] and the bond that unites us is Froggy and the time we spent praising and learning from him.
It was that night the TriumVirat was revealed as such.
If you want to know how Melmoth came to join Froggy's group you'll first have to learn our magical language and head for the Ancient Documents of FROG. If you want to learn about myself or Vermine, well, those stories are yet to be written down before being spread around. And I don't feel like telling you about those points for now anyway.

Nevertheless Froggy prophetised about what would happen to the Toriverse, how old clans would perish, new one would try to rise and reach for the glory of their predecessors. He told us how young souls would invade the Toriverse, trying to impose their views, their beliefs, their way without honor over the old lands. I remember shivering a lot during that night, and not only because of the cold bite of northern winds.
The apocalyptic future that Froggy was depicting seemed like a rabid hell. I wasn't the only one to be worried, the look of concern and closed faces of my partners showed me they weren't either thrilled by what Froggy was telling us.
And the coup de grâce fell, like a lost, lonely bell in a dolefull morning.

-"Those days I'm talking about, I've seen them, but I won't be there to live them up by your side."
Froggy took a break for a minute, sending the last log and pieces of wood we had been able to gather to feed the weak flames.
Anyway all the blood had ran out of my veins.
His tone was collected, but that didn't help a bit to ease the rush of sadness flowing in my heart. Nobody's immortal for sure, but walking by his side, I almost had come to the illusion that he might be.
The All-Awaken took a long smiling stare at each of us and spoke again :
-"Fear not my Brothers. I won't be there in this enveloppe, but you know my spirit will always be with you. Also, you won't be alone, you will be bond, united. You will lead the Braves you will encounter and gather on your road, bring them confidence in you and into them. You are three great beings, you will always attract other great beings by your side. Stay united, stay strong in your beliefs and you will do good."

Over the dying flames, I caught Melmoth's look, a familiar grind on his face. Turning my head to Vermine's side, I saw him emptying a full bottle of hydromel right down his throat, sweeping his mouth with his forearm, determined and convinced, nodding in enthousiasm and rumblingly agreeing in his own special way. I pulled my attention back to Froggy who was gently smiling at me. Gently smiling at us.

-"You will form your own clan and perpetuate your legend. You might use my words as you feel like, I know you will use them wisely and carry my legacy in dignity."
-"Our own clan..."
The whole TriumVirat was lost in its own thoughts and expectations. The idea was slowly seeding itself in our spirits, our hearts.
A clan, a responsibility, a legacy.

Froggy ended this conversation by giving us the name we would be known under.
Of course you know us as [FROG] even maybe have mocked us because of it. But this is only mere human blabering.
He told us the name of our clan in a beautiful godlike language, a shiny tongue that Froggy mastered to perfection. Those words were so magnificient that I won't event try to make the effort to translate them for you, vulgar human beings. It doesn't matter, you wouldn't appreciate all the meaning and the power behind those words anyway.
It is out of your perception.

In the end that's not a big deal, for we are going our way according to our principles.
And, this, is Froggy's true legacy, only those who knew and went with him can honor.

Plus dans l'esprit de la compétition actuelle en fait.
Des avis ? Si j'ai de bons retours, je posterai ça en tant qu'entrée gagnante.
(mouhahahaha, modestie quand tu nous tient ^^)
C'est quand même plus facile en français. Je manque de vocabulaire en anglais et c'est soûlant d'aller chercher tous les 3 mots dans le dico ^^
Last edited by Melmoth; Feb 3, 2011 at 08:41 AM.
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click
Tu es un grand malade, tu m'avais totalement convaincu que ça n'en valait pas la peine, pour 10 pauvres malheureux KTcs
C'est carrément dans l'esprit de la compète, et dans l'esprit du clan, solennel mais avec quelques touches d'humour. Du lourd. J'en demandais pas tant !

J'ai trouvé une unique faute à TriumVirat, j'ai corrigé, j'ai rien trouvé d'autre à une deuxième relecture. Bien joué, tu peux poster et leur montrer, à ces jeunes homos, qu'on en a comme des melons !
Clair ^^
Bon, pour moi pour l'instant tu es devant les autres... Après, comme d'habitude, je ne partage pas forcément les goûts de la sacro-sainte équipe admin.
Bien joué Kyat !
J'ai pas le niveau en anglais pour te faire une analyse poussée du style d'écriture mais l'histoire est très sympa et ça a l'air bien rédigé. En plus de ça t'as réussi à caser des liens sympas, je pense qu'ils apprécieront même si c'est en français.
My replays
Toribash-FR : Site/Forum
Desolé de m'exprimer si tardivement,

Bravo Kyat, il reste environ 3 h et ton texte est clairement un des meilleurs.

Croisons les doigts !