Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[A] 2hour auction
Azurite right leg motion trail
16kauto buy
Minimum raise 1k
Last edited by manowar123; Feb 1, 2011 at 09:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Auction Rules

A) Auctions must have an end date or time (I.E. 25/Dec or 24 hours after last valid bid), minimum bid raise and starting bid.

B) No minion bidding, if you bid (or solicit bids) on your own auctions you are breaking the rules.

C) If you withdraw a winning bid you must pay the auctioneer 20% of that bid.

D) Auctions can not be withdrawn once someone has made a valid bid, only before.

E) End dates & minimum bids may not to be altered once a valid bid has been placed.

predatorc your bid was valid within the rules he mentioned, so you win
devil1337 <3
boredlolz. don't understand? ask him then.