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Where's the 500tc Tourneys?
Where's the 500tc Tourneys?
I need these Tourneys!
Its cool xD
taking art requests for USD
They got removed as unnessesary. GMs are taking care of all in-game ways to earn tcs. That's my guess.
Originally Posted by Fedz View Post
They got removed as unnessesary. GMs are taking care of all in-game ways to earn tcs. That's my guess.

They got removed because this tourneys are with a lot of bugs where the peoples "never lose" ( I know 3 of them). GM's and Smods are fixing it.
I am ChipSkylark :)
The servers will come and go. When this happens again, just be patient, as they will most likely be back. They are usually taken down to prevent the TC cap from being reached/regulating the flow of TC, or it may be taken down for daily maintenance.
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
They are usually taken down to prevent the TC cap from being reached/regulating the flow of TC, or it may be taken down for daily maintenance.

Two posts above this. They just crashed. Those servers get a lot of people happy, there is no reason for GMs to remove them. The TC total will be lowered when the need arises.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash