Original Post
[Fearless] Recruiting
Fill out this app to decide if you are in the clan or not.


Belt(We accept blue belts and over):


Why should I accept you?:

Did someone invite you?:

Your best mods:

User card:


Once you have filled out this app you will be givin a yes or a no to decide if you are In the clan or not.
Last edited by link8; Feb 20, 2011 at 03:35 AM.
belt-used to be black dan but got hacked and resetted to white and got up to yellow
-because im no noob and im nice!
yes,sushiman4 we are VERY good buddies for a long time
my best mods are:wushu,anything with large dojo,360, aikido,twinswords
user card has not been updated yet lol.. ill show it as soon as i get it updated
no bans or infractions
0 leg pwn,and tons of others, and the other one i know is frog decap and (a funny one)sipuku.
I LOVE that pop!
ok where?ill look for a server with a [Fearless] clan member in itumm...make a server with fearless clan members and tryouts maybe...

i tend to relax my body(because pros do it) for poses

i shall also put [Fearless] beside my name until i you test me if thats not ok,let me know.
Last edited by coggear; Feb 23, 2011 at 12:45 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I LOVE that pop!
I say yes to you I belieave you have good skill so yes post on the dsc alot and be active on fourms k.