How about a screen shot of edit in progress, tell me what colors to add or anything, Here it is now

How else can i prove I made it?

Edit:And yes ill see what i can do about your request toritori9.
Originally Posted by pancake View Post
How about a screen shot of edit in progress, tell me what colors to add or anything, Here it is now

How else can i prove I made it?

Edit:And yes ill see what i can do about your request toritori9.

Thats not really proof, This would be proof:

I made it in like 20 seconds, So you guys can have it. - (The Real Background image itself)
Originally Posted by pancake View Post
How about a screen shot of edit in progress, tell me what colors to add or anything, Here it is now

How else can i prove I made it?

Edit:And yes ill see what i can do about your request toritori9.

lmfao Juo is right. its good then suddenly u ruin it with awful text and sum tori pic =/

and u can prove it by uploading ur PSD of the wallpaper, it allows anyone wiht photoshop to see the layer by layer changes
If you need any help within PHOTOSHOP or a REQUEST, please feel free to pm me or add me at [email protected] i can professionally train you in photoshop for FREE!