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Letīs play Frets on Fire

^ download link ^

its a guitar game like guitar hero....but in this u play with your keybord.

u play with F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 and "pick" with enter.

I strongly suggest that you do the tutorial before you start playing.

^ more songs to download ^

try it out! itīs rly fun! =D
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Yes! This game rules! (But only if you use a keyboard. Laptops never gives that genuine...feeling.)
still think its just a bad rip-off of guitar hero
Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.
Originally Posted by bloodbath View Post
still think its just a bad rip-off of guitar hero

Well, you can get a lot more song with FoF then u can with Gh. U can download modes that make it multiplayer, change it looks and make it possible to lose, but best of all. Its free

Its a great game!! Try it NOW!
I have a wired Xbox 360 Guitar Hero controller, I'm guessing there's some way to hook it up to use with FoF. I'll just try with a keyboard for now. :P
Yeah you can, you just need drivers I read it on the wiki

ive been a FOF fan for ages now!! its an awesome game, alot easier than guitar hearo cuz its f1-f5 so the keys are easier to hit etc

I suck at guitar hero but im pretty good at FOF I can do the songs included all on amazing with 98% lol
Its not really a rip-off - unless you say guitar hero was a rip-off of dancing games (Hit different things in time with music and falling symbols).

Some of the fan-made stuff is quite amazing too ("This week I've mostly been playing guitar" - Tommi Inkila is better than half the songs on GHIII - and the fan remake of Canon Rock is phenominal, Im surprised it's not a DLC addition for GHIII)

It's also a quite different to GH in some ways esp. if you don't play using a GH controller, though some of the songs are quite hard without it. For some reason too, I always felt like I wanted to beat my highest score, but in GHIII I'd usually play a song and then not return to more than 3-4. The difficulty increases seem a bit fairer, whereas in GH there was a HUGE gap between each of them.

I think it just needs a few more original songs that are just as polished as the ones FoF already has.
How do i use my Xbox 360 Guitar for it? Its too hard on keyboard because the wire is right there and the enter button is kinda hard to use since you dont actually "strum" you push it down and thats kinda retarded =\

There's my signature now when do I get this free boat armed with plasma launchers you mentioned?