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Local Network problems
Hello everyone.

Im in need of help again, this time about the internet at my house. Ive had this problem that i cant fix since... since we got the internet. The problem is that EVERY time someone in my house is using my phone, the internet times out.. the same if someone is calling my house and i answer the phone. There are two computers sharing the network.. the Modem is connected into a router which is connected into my mothers computer and mine.. but the router is downstairs so the chord to my computer is like... 15 meters? anyways.. I dont know what the problem is, we're using the.. phone thingy to connect to internet and we have 6-8 megabytes/sec speeds. (we cant get Wireless Network because our floor is made of Concrete or whatever so the signal would be weak)

So to sum it all up:
The network times out everytime the phone is used. Modem is connected to a phone thingy (three narrow holes) and a router is connected to the modem, two computers sharing the network, one 15 meter long chord pulled trough the house into my computer. The Modem and Router is in the basement while my computer is on the floor above. 6-8 Mb/s

So ive given you all information i know, hope i said something usefull xD
So i hope you can help me. cheers
The soul should fly from me, and i will turn into an brutish beast -Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
Oh man. If I read that right, you are on dial-up?

Seems like your technician didn't set up the splitter correctly.
Is dial up that i have my modem connected to the phone thingy? in that case it might be set up the wrong way because i did it. but im not sure what the right way is so... Anyways, you recommend me to contact a technician?
The soul should fly from me, and i will turn into an brutish beast -Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Oh man. If I read that right, you are on dial-up?

Seems like your technician didn't set up the splitter correctly.

Dial up will NEVER be 6-8 MBPS.

If it is dial-up, I heard something about filters fixing the problem.

Try googling "Dial-up filters" or something, see if that helps.
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[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Originally Posted by box View Post
Dial up will NEVER be 6-8 MBPS.

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Last edited by Boredpayne; Mar 14, 2011 at 03:35 AM.
Ok, thanks for the help But is it possible that its a small problem? Because i have 4 Dial-Up holes or whatever, i maybe connected to the wrong one? Because i just connected to a random one Maybe connecting it into another hole is the fix?
Last edited by Antikilleh; Mar 12, 2011 at 06:43 PM. Reason: Grammar
The soul should fly from me, and i will turn into an brutish beast -Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
It's all different and dependant on the company @_@

It sounds to me like your splitter isn't working or something, because your phone is taking all the bandwidth.