Sorry... we kinda... stole him... Blam especially: I hope there aren't that many hard feelings, and it was sorta under peer pressure that he agreed.
I also apologize for this awkward timing but a thought just occured to me and I would like to know if you would be willing to be allies with us... Please mebbeh?
Um... what does the time you've been official have to do with clan hopping... I see no relationship between the two. Personally I see clan hopping as switching between 3 or more clans in a short period of time... a week or two... so technically he's not one yet. Sorry again though.
No, clan hopping is quitting and joining a clan automatically, or quitting just to join another clan...
I hate you JDawg, you made us lose a valuable member..(not really hate you)
lol ash dont be such a drama queen. Also JDawg I'd love to be allies with UNCE ;) . Let's not be harsh against Defyant guys, he helped us out great ;).