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[R] 6K Avvy and Siggy
Ok So I want a new avatar and signature signature size is 450x100 avatar is 110x110 I want it to be raytraced and everything also You don't need to put my head flame in it.

For the signature I want me to be kneeling down facing the screen and have a dark shader to match my set and say "your mine" In a bleeding font

Avatar is basicly just a close up on me


I will pay 6k

instead of using a shader background (wich you said)

i can cut you're tori out and make a custom background (would require me to use a lighter shader due to color differences etc.)


Takk- I'm ok with that what I meant by shader was like a dark background
Deadmau- Show me some wips when your ready


sigwip. opinions?

(note it still a wip, no borders no text. just background and tori with effects. im gonna change the left tori's effect tho)