Secret Santa 2024
Maybe, If we put out hearts and souls into it, i think we can make a pretty fucking epic waffle robot pwng buttrape set. c:
I can do vectors :3
So: Jetsnix, Chicken89, Aleks95, maybe Scorpio?

i can vector too... ~chicken
Last edited by Chikin; Mar 17, 2011 at 10:27 PM.
Originally Posted by aleks95 View Post
I can do vectors :3
So: Jetsnix, Chicken89, Aleks95, maybe Scorpio?

lol, i know some basics but i doubt it's enough to takie part in it.
You guys do realise i have made textures right...

EDIT: not sure im up for the challange though
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
You were inactive, that's why I wasn't thinking about You.
Ok, so we have team:
Aleks, Chickin', Jet und Torismaser
Wait wait wait
Im not saying i joined yet
What if i go full inactive all of a sudden
Think of me as the last back-up when theres noon left
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum