Original Post
An Idea.
It's a little to easy for people to join Smooth, a few people I've run into are banned from the Forum, that's not smooth at all, at least with the Voting our Admins get to put in their oppinion of adding people.

-It upsets me to see some kid running around being a D-Bag with our tag on,
some people even think less of me when I run into another server, just because of my tag, I set them straight, see what happens, and usually it's just a misunderstanding, but really juggler422, adam2046, it's also my concern that I have not once Seen Leonrulz post in the forum, or even play for the last few weeks.

He was our biggest recruiter, even found some good people, but now it seem's like our newest member's have attitude problems, don't get the point of what saying GG is for, or even care about the other person.

--idk what anyone will do about this, or if anything will be done, but at least I hope you read it, and understood where I'm coming from ;)
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
i used to be good friends with leon... he's very close to no longer be a co though.... which might make him leave, but we'll see
Come on man, quit being so uptight... be [Smooth].

I is [Smooth] leader. Just so's you know.
I'm cool with whatever you choose, but, seeing baned member's does kinda make me concerned :o
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD