Original Post
[R] Set to match my trails 30-40k
I want a set to match my texture trails. With Quicksilver instead of white and 128 size. im going to recolor my trails myself. I dont need anything too cheap like ms paint, but i want something. i will be spending, um, 40 k depending oh how good it is.


What i look like now...

Thank you!
Still awaiting replies...
Last edited by Garde; Apr 3, 2011 at 05:19 AM. Reason: added two pictures
Hmm, i think ill work on it...
If you are reading this then I think that right now the
the word "the" has been repeated two times :P

Sorry. that dosent fit the color sheme and is a little to sharp. i want smooth flowing curves.. white and black. thats green/dark green. could you recolor / smooth some points? That would be good. i am waiting for two others to finish too. and, thats a premade but if you can make it more flowing and the correct colors, this might be it.
Last edited by Garde; Apr 28, 2011 at 05:47 AM.