Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
yeses I think is the correct term

Actually no. The correct term doesn't really have a plural tense. The proper sentence would've been something like "He already got two yes votes."
Originally Posted by box View Post
Explain why not.

Do not make these one word posts again.

It doesn't matter, anyway. he got two yes's. (<-- spelling?)

Sure thing, seeing that my opinion is irrelevant to whether you test him or not. But why not? His application is terrible and clearly displays almost no effort. Also the fact that his experience is probably extremely low, him being with fifty seven Qi and three posts. How is his forum activity 9 if he only has three posts? Half of his application didn't even make sense, he can hardly spell. He didn't even take time to figure out what his Timezone was but instead just guessed. His application overall has a poor effort, with a side of terrible grammar and spelling. But sure, why not accept him when his activity is clearly 9 and he has a total of three posts, and almost all of the posts are in this thread.
Last edited by Facade; Apr 4, 2011 at 05:29 AM.
what am i doing here