[18:53] == LTomZH [
[email protected]] has joined #TLOD
[20:37] == biggems [
[email protected]] has joined #TLOD
[20:37] <biggems> yo whats up guys
[20:37] <@LTomZH> hey
[20:37] <@LTomZH> sup
[20:37] <biggems> well LT lumpy is super late
[20:37] <@LTomZH> true
[20:37] <biggems> but thts ok
[20:37] <biggems> and cool we got a member
[20:38] <@LTomZH> bloodvain?
[20:38] <biggems> soo ok should we start meeting are wait for lumpy and yes blood where is hee to
[20:39] <biggems> we need to get blood in here
[20:41] <biggems> anyways back to bizz what is first order of bizz
[20:42] <@LTomZH> um
[20:42] <@LTomZH> he was here 1hr ago
[20:42] <@LTomZH> not sure where he is
[20:43] <biggems> he was prob waiting for us
[20:43] <@LTomZH> k so
[20:43] <@LTomZH> um... not sure of that, he never came to IRC
[20:44] <@LTomZH> so.... let's keep working on the rules
[20:44] <biggems> kk
[20:44] <biggems> so which rules are needed to go stay are be changed
[20:45] <@LTomZH> the one we have right now are the ones lumpy and I came up with yesterday
[20:45] <@LTomZH> and some of them
[20:45] <@LTomZH> we disscussed with you
[20:45] <@LTomZH> or you came up with them
[20:46] <@LTomZH> so just read the ones you aren'f fimiliar with and see if you want to change them
[20:46] <biggems> yep tht we were right
[20:46] <biggems> ohhhh i read them and they look thought out and planned
[20:46] <@LTomZH> cool~
[20:47] <@LTomZH> so we still need rules regard application
[20:47] <@LTomZH> you are the manager so it's pretty much up to you
[20:47] <biggems> soo were good with the rules we got right now but more will better and yes tht was are main goal tonight right oh and the meeting times so lets get started
[20:48] <@LTomZH> yep
[20:48] <biggems> first well talk about the app rules
[20:48] <@LTomZH> yep
[20:48] <@LTomZH> good
[20:48] == LTomZH has changed nick to LTomZH|working
[20:49] <biggems> ok so heres the ones we have now
[20:49] <biggems> name-
[20:50] <biggems> about your self
[20:50] <biggems> GMT-
[20:50] <biggems> belt(must be at least a brown or a realy good blue belt)-
[20:50] <biggems> why you want to join-
[20:51] <biggems> and favourite mod
[20:51] <biggems> soo we need to add more to it any ideas where to start
[20:51] <@LTomZH|working> add this "applicant is willing to obey all the current rules,(if so, write"I agree with the rules") with exceptions of the ones you have good reason not to obey (if so, please explain)"
[20:52] <@LTomZH|working> and um.... languages?
[20:53] <biggems> noted
[20:53] <biggems> and languges do u mean put app in difrant languges
[20:53] <@LTomZH|working> e... do you want to do so?
[20:53] <@LTomZH|working> =P
[20:54] <@LTomZH|working> I meant... languages(that you can speak fluently)
[20:54] <biggems> we could but dont you think tht will take a lot of the dsc and tht will make uss even more dependent on lumpy
[20:54] <biggems> and i only kno one languge
[20:54] <biggems> :9
[20:54] <biggems>
[20:55] <@LTomZH|working> e.... that was a joke...
[20:55] <@LTomZH|working> "language" is like "name"
[20:55] <biggems> lol
[20:55] <@LTomZH|working> "
[20:56] <biggems> ohhh ok
[20:56] <@LTomZH|working> get it?
[20:56] <biggems> and no not realy
[20:56] <biggems>
[20:56] <@LTomZH|working> so...
[20:57] <@LTomZH|working> name= write your name, language= list the languages that you can speak fluently
[20:57] <biggems> ok i think i get it
[20:57] <@LTomZH|working> k
[20:57] <biggems> ohhh ok noted
[20:58] <@LTomZH|working> btw we don't really need that "name" thing
[20:58] <biggems> ok next ohh and im writing this all down
[20:58] <@LTomZH|working> cuz we know who tha is
[20:58] <biggems> tru noted take off name
[20:58] <@LTomZH|working> we can change it to "nick name" perhaps?
[20:59] <@LTomZH|working> or "nick name prefered"
[20:59] <biggems> like it also noted
[21:00] <biggems> ok next
[21:01] <@LTomZH|working> let's hear from you =P
[21:03] <biggems> hmmm lets see the belts are we sticken with tht are we changing it
[21:03] <@LTomZH|working> I think the one we've got will do
[21:04] <biggems> ok cool now is tht all with the app rules are anything else
[21:05] <@LTomZH|working> um... what about
[21:05] <@LTomZH|working> more than 10 posts
[21:05] <biggems> oh also are we gonna have a ranking system u kno lvls to move up and stuff
[21:05] <biggems> oh yea morew thn 10 posts
[21:06] <@LTomZH|working> so that the members don't just apply and disappear lol
[21:06] <@LTomZH|working> I like that idea of ranking =P
[21:06] <@LTomZH|working> first we need some titles
[21:07] <biggems> yea how about
[21:07] <biggems> the to should be lightning fighters are just lightning
[21:07] <biggems> thts the tops
[21:07] <@LTomZH|working> um...
[21:08] <biggems> and the bottom shopuld be static
[21:09] <@LTomZH|working> lol
[21:09] <@LTomZH|working> let's have two kinds of members
[21:09] <@LTomZH|working> or actually
[21:09] <@LTomZH|working> 4
[21:09] <biggems> ok
[21:10] <biggems> what should they be ?
[21:10] <@LTomZH|working> mamagers(leaders); fighters; artist/merchants; epic members
[21:10] <@LTomZH|working> what do you think?
[21:11] <biggems> good i like them but where are are trainees
[21:12] <@LTomZH|working> oh right! good point
[21:12] <@LTomZH|working> so 5 kinds, one more for trainees
[21:13] <@LTomZH|working> any more you want to add?
[21:14] <biggems> how about we have a whole other thing for our trainees u kno like there seperate untill they pass all the tests which then they will finaly go into are lowest ranking system
[21:16] <@LTomZH|working> um...
[21:16] <@LTomZH|working> ok
[21:16] <@LTomZH|working> but then
[21:16] <@LTomZH|working> they are not really accepted in to the clan
[21:16] <@LTomZH|working> am I right?
[21:17] <biggems> yea but the trainig only lasts untill there brown but i think well there in there half way
[21:17] <@LTomZH|working> oh I get it now
[21:17] <@LTomZH|working> so let's do so
[21:18] <biggems> so thts good
[21:19] <@LTomZH|working> and add one more question in the application thing:"What do you want to be after joining? (fighter/artist/merchant)"
[21:19] <@LTomZH|working> now we need to come up with actuall names for those kinds
[21:20] <@LTomZH|working> what do you want your title to be?
[21:20] <biggems> hmmmmmm the silent judo master
[21:20] <biggems> lol
[21:20] <biggems> oh and i have something else
[21:20] <@LTomZH|working> =P.... what's that?
[21:22] <biggems> i want to have all our members when we become official i want one more co ldr where we have time for them to fight and see who the best is and then they will be the 3rd co ldr
[21:24] <@LTomZH|working> is that a tempory title?
[21:25] <@LTomZH|working> meaning that the person in the position changes over time?
[21:25] <biggems> yea but i want all our elites to battle for it to see who gets the 3rd and final co ldr spot
[21:26] <biggems> but the ldr and co ldr spots are final unless someone quits
[21:26] <@LTomZH|working> k so why don't we make it a title under “epic members”
[21:26] <@LTomZH|working> and that will do
[21:27] <biggems> ok final thing we must descuss
[21:27] <biggems> the metting times
[21:28] <@LTomZH|working> um... meeting times for leaders or all members?
[21:29] <biggems> all members if uss leaders want to meat privetly will make up our own special time
[21:30] <@LTomZH|working> cool
[21:31] <biggems> kk so members mon-fri is 8:00 to 10:30 k
[21:31] <@LTomZH|working> I say let's make it twice a week and cover all the time zones, but one must attend the meeting once a month
[21:32] <@LTomZH|working> so there are 8 meetings a month
[21:32] <@LTomZH|working> one can be from 8-10:30
[21:32] <@LTomZH|working> I mean
[21:32] <@LTomZH|working> 4 of them can be
[21:32] <@LTomZH|working> 8:00-10:30
[21:32] <biggems> ok
[21:33] <biggems> so what days
[21:33] <@LTomZH|working> and 4 of them to be.... 8:00-10:30 in the morning
[21:34] <@LTomZH|working> btw we are talking about our time
[21:34] <@LTomZH|working> later we need to change them into GMT
[21:35] <biggems> yea we doo in not good at tht so can you do it pls
[21:35] <biggems> oh and im going to send you the notes k
[21:35] <@LTomZH|working> k....
[21:35] <@LTomZH|working> thanks
[21:35] <@LTomZH|working> and remember
[21:35] <@LTomZH|working> we still need cool names for those titles
[21:36] <biggems> we need 4 right
[21:36] <@LTomZH|working> 4 titles?
[21:36] <@LTomZH|working> 4 names?*
[21:36] <@LTomZH|working> actually, much more than that... but let's do it later
[21:37] <@LTomZH|working> meeting time first
[21:37] <biggems> yea well be thinking bout them tonight ok so i think were done
[21:37] <@LTomZH|working> yea...
[21:37] <@LTomZH|working> so for meeting times
[21:37] <@LTomZH|working> what about
[21:38] <@LTomZH|working> saturday night/sunday morning/saturday morning/sunday nght....
[21:39] <@LTomZH|working> so the next one will be this sunday, at 0:00 GMT
[21:39] <@LTomZH|working> (8-10:30 will be 0:00-2:30)
[21:39] <@LTomZH|working> no
[21:40] <@LTomZH|working> (8-10:30p.m. will be 0:00-2:30)
[21:40] <@LTomZH|working> (8-10:30a.m. will be 12:00-14:30)
[21:40] <biggems> kk
[21:40] <@LTomZH|working> um...
[21:41] <@LTomZH|working> yea
[21:41] <@LTomZH|working> so that's it for meeting times
[21:41] <@LTomZH|working> one must go to one of the 8 meetings each month and tell us which one to go to
[21:42] <biggems> ok will also be making a reminder thing k so if ppl forget they just need to look at tht and they will be changed dailey
[21:42] <biggems> soo now what oh and lumpy has some exsplaining to do
[21:43] <@LTomZH|working> ?
[21:43] <biggems> \he didnt show up
[21:43] <@LTomZH|working> oh yea
[21:44] <@LTomZH|working> I get it
[21:44] <biggems> are wait do you kno where he is
[21:44] <@LTomZH|working> at the party?
[21:45] <biggems> wait what party
[21:45] <@LTomZH|working> "I have to go to a party ill be back in a hour or so! "
[21:45] <biggems> hes at a party awwwwww man i want to gooooo lol
[21:45] <@LTomZH|working> he said that half an hr ago
[21:46] <biggems> oh wow
[21:46] <@LTomZH|working> yeahhhhh
[21:46] <@LTomZH|working> s
[21:46] <@LTomZH|working> si
[21:46] <@LTomZH|working> ***
[21:46] <@LTomZH|working> so
[21:46] <biggems> oh yea can u tell me what i should do so i can open tht recruitment thread
[21:47] <@LTomZH|working> oh
[21:47] <@LTomZH|working> just update the thread with new rules
[21:47] <@LTomZH|working> and new titles
[21:48] <@LTomZH|working> even though they don't have cool names yet
[21:48] <@LTomZH|working> then open up the new thread
[21:48] <biggems> kk cool so i guesse this meeting is done right
[21:49] <@LTomZH|working> so basically you will be the one judging apps
[21:49] <@LTomZH|working> unless we (other leaders) have our own opinion
[21:50] <biggems> yea
[21:50] <@LTomZH|working> so thank you very much
[21:50] <@LTomZH|working> and yea
[21:50] <@LTomZH|working> wanna call for the day?
[21:51] <@LTomZH|working> I'll copy down this meeting for lumpy to review
[21:51] <biggems> yea but we should come back later and run all this by lumpy so changes are bieng made now kk cya later
[21:51] <biggems> u kno
[21:51] <@LTomZH|working> yup
[21:52] <@LTomZH|working> so let's be back in 30 mins
[21:52] <@LTomZH|working> don't close the page though